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Can My Boss Force Me Not to Wear a Face Mask at Work?

Wall Street Journal
Wendy Strobel Gower, program director at the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, says, “It comes down to: Does your company have an obligation to follow the guidance of federal and also state and local authorities?”
Can My Boss Force Me Not to Wear a Face Mask at Work?

COVID-19 is Transforming Workplace Culture

Redesigned spaces and strategies will greet many when pandemic restrictions lift.
A young man and young woman working together at a whiteboard.
COVID-19 is Transforming Workplace Culture

Burnout: How it Hurts, What Can Help

Associate Professor Vanessa Bohns describes worker burnout, what causes it, and how organizations and workers can mitigate stressors.
Exhausted female worker at home
Burnout: How it Hurts, What Can Help

Survey shows inequalities during pandemic

Results of survey speak to health care, voting and work challenges.
Health care worker
Survey shows inequalities during pandemic

Employers Might Be Able to Require Vaccination, But Should They?

Employers should be willing to be flexible, but acknowledge that some people will have a legitimate reason to refuse.
Close-up view of a needle inserted into a vaccine vial
Employers Might Be Able to Require Vaccination, But Should They?

Webinar - COVID-19: Permanent Impact on Public Sector Workforce

Join us for a discussion about how some public sector organizations have made changes, which changes have worked and which have not, and what the workplace might look like when we go back to “normal.”
Back view pf a female joining an online meeting on a laptop
Webinar - COVID-19: Permanent Impact on Public Sector Workforce

Research on Social Influence can be Applied to Vaccination Choice: ILR Professor

In a recent interview, ILR School Associate Professor Vanessa Bohns discussed how sharing information about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine can impact other people’s choices.
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
Research on Social Influence can be Applied to Vaccination Choice: ILR Professor

Research Identifies Workers Who Should be First for Vaccine

Frontline workers, the most vulnerable among essential workers, are most in need of the vaccine, according to a research team including labor economist Francine Blau.
Essential workers moving carts of beverages in a warehouse
Research Identifies Workers Who Should be First for Vaccine

Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker to understand pandemic patterns

Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker as an interactive mapping tool to understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on New York State.
screenshot illustrating the mapping features of the tracker
Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker to understand pandemic patterns

How COVID-19’s Job Disruptions Vary by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity in August 2020

Women, African American and Hispanic workers are faring markedly worse than men and white workers.
A group of seven people stand in front of floor to ceiling windows with blue skies beyond.
How COVID-19’s Job Disruptions Vary by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity in August 2020

Video: Employer Liability Protection, Workers Compensation, and a National Fund

Esta Bigler hosts a webinar discussion with labor-law experts that explores state and national approaches to employer liability and funding for employment benefits.
screenshot showing the panelists discussing via videoconferencing
Video: Employer Liability Protection, Workers Compensation, and a National Fund

Reopening Schools Will Take Community Collaboration

When tensions start to rise over school reopening details, communities can rally around anthems reminding them to negotiate in ways that will benefit children.
A young boy is wearing a medical mask talking with friends at school.
Reopening Schools Will Take Community Collaboration

Racial and Economic Inequality in NYS within the Context of the Pandemic and Protests against Racism

The average annual salary from 2014 to 2018 in New York state for a white worker was $60,808 as compared to $40,707 for a black worker in New York state, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
dollar bills illustrating pay
Racial and Economic Inequality in NYS within the Context of the Pandemic and Protests against Racism

What the April 2020 Jobs Report says about COVID-19’s impact

ILR Senior Extension Associate Erica Groshen presents a roundup of the April 2020 jobs report numbers.
Pie chart illustrating the percentages of labor underutilization
What the April 2020 Jobs Report says about COVID-19’s impact

It Matters that Most COVID Layoffs in March were Furloughs

Erica Groshen explains how a dose of good news in March can be found in the difference between furloughs and layoffs.
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
It Matters that Most COVID Layoffs in March were Furloughs

What Do the Economic Numbers Mean?

The national unemployment rate could go up to 20 percent in April, says ILR's Erica Groshen.
Unemployed persion holds box image
What Do the Economic Numbers Mean?

Response to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order on Face Masks

Useful information on the governor's order and its details.
close up of a medical mask
Response to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order on Face Masks

What is an Essential Worker in New York State?

Understand the New York state guidelines for classifying businesses as essential.
postal worker pushing a cart with mail
What is an Essential Worker in New York State?

Unemployment Insurance: Taking Stock in New York State

Understand changes to unemployment insurance in the first five weeks of the coronavirus crisis and beyond.
New York State department of labor office facade.
Unemployment Insurance: Taking Stock in New York State

Fashioning a Response: Results from the Model Alliance COVID-19 Survey

The Worker Institute analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on models in a report published by the Model Alliance.
an empty modeling runway
Fashioning a Response: Results from the Model Alliance COVID-19 Survey

Discrimination at Work and COVID-19

Asian American and Pacific Islander workers, two million of whom work on the frontlines in the health care, personal services and transportation industries, face increased xenophobic and racial discrimination in the workplace.
Asian male wearing an apron and a medical face mask, standing with his arms crossed.
Discrimination at Work and COVID-19

How the CARES Act Impacts Workers

Learn what the CARES Act does for for working people, low-income people and gig workers.
CARES Act, Washington, DC capital building
How the CARES Act Impacts Workers

Who is an Essential Worker in NYS?

Exactly who is deemed an "essential worker" in New York state?
female employee holding a clipboard checks products on shelves
Who is an Essential Worker in NYS?

Mapping Workers at Risk of Layoffs and Loss of Health Care

Which New York state residents are most likely to lose their jobs? Where do they live and what do they do?
Housekeeping cart with cleaning supplies in a hotel hallway.
Mapping Workers at Risk of Layoffs and Loss of Health Care

U.S. Government Mandates COVID-19 Paid Leave

The Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act -- here's how it works.
children playing at home with a woman working in the background
U.S. Government Mandates COVID-19 Paid Leave

Unprecedented Unemployment Claims Create Immediate Needs

State and local government agencies need to identify flexible public funding that can provide rapid assistance to newly unemployed workers.
Man with disheveled clothing holding a notebook and coat, standing in a defeated posture.
Unprecedented Unemployment Claims Create Immediate Needs

Wellness Considerations for Workers with Disabilities

Be well during the pandemic: you've "got this," but here are tips for averting vulnerabilities due to a disability.
woman in a wheelchair working at a desk on a laptop computer
Wellness Considerations for Workers with Disabilities

Tracking Employment Trends of Older Workers

ILR's Institute for Compensation Studies outlines a few realities of which older workers, employers and policymakers should be aware during the pandemic.
middle-aged woman working at a desk
Tracking Employment Trends of Older Workers

Worker Alcohol Abuse: Employers Can Help

Knowing who is at risk and how to support those most in need helps managers assist workers who are especially vulnerable during the pandemic, according to ILR Associate Professor William Sonnenstuhl.
Beer glass next to wristwatch, smart phone and laptop
Worker Alcohol Abuse: Employers Can Help

Farmworker Vulnerabilities Exposed by COVID-19

ILR Assistant Professor Verónica Martínez-Matsuda explores the challenges and vulnerabilities of farmworkers during the pandemic.
Book cover for Migrant Citizenship
Farmworker Vulnerabilities Exposed by COVID-19

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