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Undergraduate Student Resources

Find academic support, curriculum requirements, policies and other information for undergraduate students.

two students sitting in a circular window opening
Undergraduate resources

Graduate Student Resources

Find handbooks, forms, and other resources for graduate students.

person walking through hallway lined with books
Graduate resources

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Kara Lombardi and several other staff and students

Our team is a dedicated group of professionals who advise students, administer programs, and build a community of support so students can thrive academically, personally, and socially. We take our tag line – it takes work – seriously. It drives us to work diligently to ensure the student experience and wellbeing are always a priority.

Kara Lombardi, Assistant Dean for Student Experience and Wellbeing

Career Services

Student Careers

ILR student attending a career fair
Work on your career


Professionals exchange a handshake over a conference table
Hire ILRies


Dean Alex Colvin sits and talks with two students in the Diugherty Lounge
Find alumni resources

Beyond the Classroom

International Opportunities

The field of Industrial and Labor Relations is situated within a highly globalized and increasingly complex system of international markets, economies, organizations and people. Participation in an international opportunity provides students with an understanding of the larger global workplace. Whether your interests are workers' rights, comparative labor, or cultural-organizational behavior, an international experience will serve as an integral component to your ILR education.

ILR students participating in an international experience
Explore your options to go abroad.

Credit Internships

This program lets qualified juniors and seniors gain significant professional experience while also receiving a full semester’s credit

ILR Credit Internship Program
Find out about both credit internships

Internships and Shadowing

Our undergraduates work across different industries and sectors to learn through practical experience. Find out more about internship programs and shadowing opportunities.

Learn on the job