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Arbitration advocacy is equal parts science and art with one goal: persuasive story telling. Persuasive story telling convinces the listener, in this case an arbitrator, to see the advocates point of view while at the same time addressing an alternate point of view; that of your opponent. At arbitration, this story telling is governed by a set of rules that dictate how the story can be told. Participants in this two part program learn and practice these technical aspects of the advocacy process and develop their inner talent to tell a story clearly and effectively before a labor arbitrator. This course focuses on the role of cross examination in the story telling process.

Cross examination is one of the most important but often misused parts of the arbitration process. Participants learn and practice the skills required to prepare and execute an effective cross, while identifying commonly made errors. Participants practice cross examination and receive coaching and feedback from experiences advocates and arbitrators. Whether you are new to the process or experienced as an advocate or a witness, this experience-based class will help sharpen your cross-examination practice.

Topics covered in the class include:

  • Review of direct examination
  • The purpose of cross examination and the relationship between direct and cross examination
  • When and how to use objections
  • When not to cross examine
  • This interactive class provides opportunities to prepare, review, practice and receive feedback on cross examination.

This interactive class provides opportunities to prepare, review, practice and receive feedback on cross examination.

Key outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of how cross examination can help or hurt your case, and best practices for conducting cross examinations. 
  • Tools for anticipating cross examination of your witnesses
  • Practice preparing, modifying and cross examining witnesses with feedback from experienced practitioners

Who should enroll

  • New and experienced labor arbitration advocates
  • Attorneys and non-attorney advocates
  • Managers and union representatives who play significant roles in developing case strategies and preparation
  • First and second chairs
  • Witnesses who want to better understand the process

Special Features

Completion of Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case or equivalent experience required.

Optional participation in an optional mock arbitration either in person in NYC or via zoom for an additional, nominal fee.

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