Learn more about organizing, labor law, arbitration, and bargaining first contracts from a labor attorney with decades of experience. Guest speakers and role play help make these four intensive classes interactive and practical.
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Learn more about organizing, labor law, arbitration, and bargaining first contracts from a labor attorney with decades of experience. Guest speakers and role play help make these four intensive classes interactive and practical.
Private Sector Labor Law
This course focuses on labor management relations in the private sector as governed by the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. The course will touch on the statute and how it relates to other labor laws, and an overview of the NLRA and the NLRB.
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Unions benefit employees in a myriad of ways, higher pay, better benefits, safer and healthier workplaces, higher civic engagement, etc. Public support is also high for unions with 2021 Gallup poll showing 68% of the public favors a union. Then why is such a small percentage of the US workforce unionized?
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Congratulations! You won your election vote, and the NLRB has “certified” your group as the collective bargaining representative. Now it is time to bargain a contract.
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
This is a hands-on workshop for those with little or no experience in arbitration. Participants will leave with an understanding of the arbitration process and the skills they need to serve as an effective advocate in arbitration hearings.
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Learn a step-by-step process on preparing for bargaining including aligning organizational, labor and bargaining strategies and developing management and union goals, and preparing for the bargaining table. An in-class project includes preparing and delivering a presentation to management to obtain bargaining mandate.
New York,NY
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Register for Preparation for Collective Bargaining
Take on the role of lead negotiator in collective bargaining from start to finish. This course focuses on the practical aspects of developing and managing a team, the dynamics and flow of bargaining stages, the difference between competitive and collaborative approaches, and how to come to an agreement. Culminating in a day-and-a-half mock collective bargaining simulation, this course provides valuable practice and feedback from seasoned negotiators.
New York,NY
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Register for Effective Collective Bargaining and Simulation
A unionizing workplace profoundly impacts managing behavior and performance. Navigate “just cause,” the role of union representation, disciplinary grievances and arbitrations. Simulate the critical breakdowns during workplace conflict and discover steps to a solution.
New York,NY
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Register for Performance Management in a Union Environment