Megan Shkolyar ’20 is a founding member of Gorges Ventures, a student-managed and financed investment club focused on investing in companies founded by Cornell University students in the classes of 2024 and 2025.
ILR School Events
See all eventsSydnee Caldwell Firm Pay and Worker Search Abstract: Whether and how workers search on the job depends on their beliefs about pay and working conditions in other firms. Yet little is known about workers’ knowledge of outside pay. We use a large-scale survey of full-time German workers, linked to their Social Security records, to elicit pay expectations and preferences over specific outside firms. Workers believe that they face considerable heterogeneity in their outside pay options, and direct their search toward firms they believe would pay them more. Workers’ expected firm-specific pay premia are highly correlated with pay policies observed in administrative records and with workers’ valuations of firm-specific amenities. Most workers are unwilling to search for a new job—or leave their current firm—even for substantial pay increases. Switching costs are equivalent to 40% of a worker’s annual pay. Attachment varies across firms, and cannot be explained by either differences in firm-specific amenities or switching costs.
Graduate Programs for Workplace Leaders
The ILR School's four graduate degrees in workplace studies are led by faculty whose teaching and research influences individuals and organizations around the world. Through these programs, students explore topics such as labor relations, human resources and organizational behavior, empowering graduates to lead and transform today's dynamic workplaces.
James T. Carter received his Ph.D. from Columbia and has held numerous education and human resource positions. He joined ILR’s Department of Organizational Behavior in Fall 2023.
ILRies Change
the Future of Work.
The Martin P. Catherwood Library is the most comprehensive resource on labor and employment in North America, offering expert research support through reference services, instruction, online guides and access to premier collections.