OCS Services
We provide support through one-on-one advising sessions, group presentations and workshops, networking opportunities, and ways to connect with employers in a variety of fields. Whether you are a first-year student just starting to think about careers or a master’s student with 10 years of experience (and literally everyone in between), we are here to discuss any career-related topic with you.

Learn about your interests, strengths, and values
Explore career options
Career interest and personality assessments
Graduate and professional school planning
Job and internship search strategies
Resume and cover letter reviews
Connect with alumni and other professionals
Communicate with employers
Practice interviews (behavioral and case)
Assessing and negotiating offers
Our advisors support you in all phases of your career development. All appointments are currently offered through Zoom (if you need other accommodations, add a note when you schedule your session).
If you have trouble finding a time that fits your schedule, email ilrcareers@cornell.edu for assistance.

Use Handshake to find internships and full-time opportunities, and search for career-related workshops and events.
Check out career development workshops, networking events, professional development opportunities and more!

Gain Experience and Develop Skills
As an ILRie, you have access to amazing opportunities to gain hands-on experience and learn about careers!
Learn about a variety of career fields by shadowing alumni and engaging in short-term projects with employers.

ILR offers you a wide range of opportunities to study and intern internationally, gaining a global perspective.

ILR juniors and seniors can apply for full-time professional internship experiences at a wide range of organizations while receiving a full semester’s credit.
Search for on-campus and community job opportunities in a wide range of roles.
Engage with campus groups and organizations that interest you and connect with students who share your passion.
Apply for Summer Funding
ILR undergraduate students (first-years, sophomores, and juniors) and first-year MILRs who have secured unpaid or minimally paid summer internships are eligible to apply for funding.

ILR Career Outcomes
Undergraduate and graduate students who study in the ILR School develop diverse transferable skills and engage in a wide variety of experiences and careers.

Contact Us
If you have questions or need assistance, contact ilrcareers@cornell.edu.