ILR Research Informs Multiple Audiences
ILR’s teaching and outreach is based on the school’s research, which scholars, students, journalists and the public rely on to inform their work.
The ILR School is known worldwide for its research on unions, organizing, collective bargaining and many other topics related to workers.
As worker activism increased in the past two years, many turned to Cornell University Library’s eCommons to tap ILR research. A sampling of ILR research related to U.S. unionizing includes:
- The Empirical Case for Streamlining the NLRB Certification Process
- The Fair Labor Standards Act at 80: Everything Old is New Again
- The Expansion and Implications of Various Forms of Collective Representation in the United States
- No Holds Barred: The Intensification of Employer Opposition to Organizing
- Revival of the American Labor Movement: Issues, Problems, Prospects
- Dual Alignment of Industrial Relations Activity: From Strategic Choice to Mutual Gains
- Changing to Organize
- Strike Ballot Law and Practice in the United States: Order without Law in Labour Relations?
- To Collect and Preserve: The State of State-Level CBA Collections in the U.S.
- Collective Bargaining and Technological Investment: The Case of Nurses’ Unions and the Transition from Paper-Based to Electronic Health Records
- Conflict and Employment Relations in the Individual Rights Era
- Race, Gender, and the Rebirth of Trade Unionism
- It takes more than Housecalls: Organizing to Win with a Comprehensive Union Building Strategy
Additional ILR research is available at Cornell University Library’s eCommons. Another resource for research reports and publications on unions and workers is available at ILR’s Worker Institute.