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William M. Lynn

Business Manager, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 30
Financial Secretary and Vice President, International Union of Operating Engineers

William Lynn joined Local 30 in 1990 as an apprentice at a waste to energy power plant. He completed his apprenticeship at a regional medical center and was elevated to mechanic and then engineer at the facility. His activism on the shop floor, expertise in the trade and leadership in union wide campaigns propelled him to serve as a union Shop Steward. He rose to become Local 30’s Dispatcher, Lead Organizer, Business Representative and Recording-Corresponding Secretary before being elected as Local 30 Business Manager & Financial Secretary in 2014.  He was re-elected to his current position in 2016, 2019, and 2022 . In 2017 he was elected to the office of Trustee for the International Union of Operating Engineers.  In 2019 he was elected to serve as a Vice President of the International Union.  In addition to being an International Vice President, Lynn also serves as a Trustee of the IUOE New York State Conference and Recording- Corresponding Secretary of the IUOE New York City Coalition.  William holds leadership positions at several labor organizations including the Long Island and Westchester-Putnam AFL-CIO, Nassau-Suffolk Building Trades, Municipal Labor Council, New York State Public Employee Conference, Long Island Labor Advisory Council and the James Connolly Irish American Labor Coalition. William is a graduate of the Cornell Leadership Institute.