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George Kilpatrick

Co-Director of Prevention Education at Vera House

George Kirkpatrick is Co-Director of Prevention Education.

Kirkpatrick is a community educator and radio host who directs Men. Lead By Example. This program encourages men and boys to work as allies with women and girls to prevent domestic and sexual violence and create healthy relationships. It’s objectives are to (a) To create a community free from men's violence against women and girls (b) To raise awareness about healthy relationships (c) To develop men and boys who are committed to ending domestic and sexual violence (d) To have culturally specific conversations about the issues of domestic and sexual violence. He also leads the 12 Men Model where men are invited to take a leadership role and recruit other men to join them in a pledge to never support, commit or remain silent about abuse. The 12 Men Model assembles men in small groups and encourages them to rethink and redefine healthy masculinity. This prevention-focused program encourages men to dialogue and rethink masculinity and male roles. The overall goal for 12 Men Model participants is to ultimately be a resource for others in their communities.

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