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Patricia Fahy

New York Assemblymember, 109th District

Assemblymember Fahy is a leading advocate for job creation, environmental conservation, and quality education. Fahy has also introduced legislation to help accelerate the state’s transition to clean and renewable energy; expand and modernize New York’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); and tackle the growing threat of plastic pollution and industry’s rising carbon emissions.

Fahy serves as the Chair of the Higher Education Committee and serves on four additional committees, including Environmental Conservation, Codes, Economic Development, and Tourism. In 2022, she was named the Environmental Champion of the Year by the New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) and Legislative Champion by the Environmental Advocates of New York (EANY).

Before her election, Fahy served as Associate Commissioner of Intergovernmental Affairs and Federal Policy in the NYS Department of Labor, where she advocated for federal economic stimulus funds, extended unemployment benefits, and youth training initiatives. She is a former elected member of the Albany School Board. She serves on the Board of Directors of the UAlbany Center for Women in Government & Civil Society and previously served on the Board of the Boys and Girls Club of Albany.

Fahy previously served as the Executive Director of the Chicago Workforce Board. Before her work in Chicago, she spent nine years in Washington D.C., including: in the Clinton Administration as the Associate Director for Employment and Training in the Congressional Affairs Office of the U.S. Department of Labor under Secretary Robert Reich.