Rija Tayyab

Rija Tayyab and co-workers from WNY Women's Foundations

Rija Tayyab

ilR '21

WNY Women's Fouundation

High Road Fellowships - Buffalo, NY

“I loved living with and spending time
with other women who share the
same passion for social justice as
me. We talked about issues in a class
setting on Fridays and Wednesday
dinners but would continue the
conversation. I learned so much by
just talking to them about their work,
interests and passions. I read some
beautiful poetry and blogs, learned
about different communities, their
policies and made lifelong friends.”


• Presented a proposal for GenW to the Board, a new program that will serve as a network of likeminded women, a mentorship program and a learning collaborative. Members will learn from each other, WNYWF Board Members, guest speakers and partner organizations.

• Researched and designed ‘Reconnection’, a new program to facilitate the reentry of women into the workforce to be integrated into the ALL IN program for Buffalo businesses and individual women.

• Read and evaluated 34 Impact Grant applications with the WNYWF Board and Committee. Learned grant writing and the process of evaluation and grant making by non-profits.

• Completed Essentials of Nonprofit Management Certificate.


Joined the “Gender in Theodore Roosevelt’s Time” reading and conversation series at the TR Inaugural National Historic Site with my supervisor. Amazing conversations took place.


Living with and spending time with other women who share the same passion for social justice as me. Reading some beautiful poetry and blogs written by other fellows.


Viewing inequality from an intersectional and radical feminism lens including Marxist-feminism, equitable workplaces, and art: museums, galleries, theatre, open mics, architecture and everything in between.


Writing memorandums, letters, and blog posts, making proposals and presenting them, navigating a new city, devising work deliverables and time management.


A Better Relationship with Mother Earth