Giving to ILR

Below are just a few examples of other ways you can advance ILR by designating your donation to a specific initiative. Please contact Haley Singer at or 607-255-4293 to discuss these or other giving opportunities.

You can help students gain valuable research experience

ILR's Worker Institute offers intensive research fellowships to undergraduate students.

Your gift of $2,400 will give a student the opportunity to conduct research on contemporary labor issues aimed at solving problems related to work, economy and society for two semesters.  Additional funding is needed for research related travel, so that our students can conduct field research and attend relevant conferences.

You can help students transform a city

Your gift of $5,000 will pay for one summer fellowship in The High Road Runs Through the City Program in Buffalo, NY.  This is an intensive two month fellowship where students work with local organizations to transform Buffalo from a rust belt to a green economy. Partner organizations rave about the students' contributions to economic development ranging from youth participation in the arts to urban farming and local business development.

You can internationalize ILR

As the world of work becomes increasingly global, so has ILR. We are expanding our Global Service Learning initiatives beyond India and Zambia to include more students in countries throughout Asia. Global Service Learning provides students with cross-cultural experiential education. This hands-on experience allows them to put theory into practice while collaborating with diverse stakeholders to address social problems in the community. Your gift of $5,000 will give one student this invaluable opportunity.

Through ILR’s K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability’s (YTI) global service-learning programs, two students study and work in each of three locations (Israel, India, or Singapore) for one semester.  A gift of $10,000 would partially cover the participation of one student in select countries where costs are higher (for example, Singapore) or fully cover opportunities in other countries and in the U.S.-based experiences. This gift would be used to help a student with demonstrated need participate in the program.

You can help ILR remove a barrier to employment

The Labor and Employment Law Program has been addressing the issue of barriers to employment resulting from criminal conviction for several years in both conferences and roundtables. The program has brought together practitioners and social scientists to discuss the use and misuse of criminal conviction records to screen applicants for employment, which most often results in a refusal to hire even qualified applicants who were previously incarcerated.  With no job, many people return to criminal activity and end up back in jail.

The program seeks to expand this work to include education and training programs for employers about their legal rights and obligations involving criminal background checks, while also developing and maintaining a best practices website for employers on screening and employing the previously incarcerated.  Your gift to the Labor and Employment Law Program can help remove this significant barrier to employment for many Americans.