The following list of courses will fulfill the Economic Policy (EP) or Quantitative Policy (QP) Elective Requirement. The requirement must be fulfilled with a 3-credit, 4-credit, or two 2-credit courses, and must be taken for a letter grade.
* Indicates that the class is being offered in Spring 2025
* AEM 2300/ECON 2300 International Trade and Finance
AEM 2350 Introduction To The Economics Of Development
* AEM 4300 International Trade Policy
* AEM 4315/ECON 3550 Economics of Developing Countries
* AEM 4350 Political Economy of the WTO
AMST 3230/ECON 3310 American Economic History I
CS 2850/ECON 2040/INFO 2040/SOC 2090 Networks
* ECON 3120 Applied Econometrics
ECON 3255/PUBPOL 3600 Economics of Crime (formerly PAM 3600)
* ECON 3280/ILRLE 3280 Introduction to Political Economy for Public Policy
ECON 3300/ILRLE 3440 Development of Economic Thought and Institutions
ECON 3330/ILRLE 4480 Topics in 20th Century Economic History
ECON 3340/ILRLE 4440 The Evolution of Social Policy in Britain and America
ECON 3410/ILRLE 3480 Economic Analysis of the University
ECON 3420/ILRLE 4410 Income Distribution
* ECON 3430/ILRLE 4430 Compensation, Incentives, and Productivity
ECON 3440/FGSS 4460/ILRLE 4450 Women in the Economy
ECON 3450/ILRLE 4426 Economic Analysis of the Welfare State
ECON 3460/ILRGL 4030 The Economics of Collective Bargaining in Sports
ECON 3465/ILRLE 3465 Bridging the Divide: Labor Market Reforms and Place-Based Policies
* ECON 3475/ILRLE 3475 Visualizing Economics: Introducing Basic Economic Concepts with Visual Arts
ECON 3486/ILRLE 3486 Field Experiments in Economics and Business
* ECON 3670/PUBPOL 3130 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy (formerly PAM 3130)
ECON 3480/ILRLE 3450/HIST 3480 Race and the American Labor Market in Historical Perspective
ECON 3485/ILRLE 3460 New Technologies and the Labor Market
* ECON 3770/ILRLE 3445 Inequality in U.S. Higher Education
ECON 3720/PUBPOL 4370 The Economics of Health Care Markets (formerly PAM 4370)
ECON 3800 Economics and the Law
ECON 3801 Introduction to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
ECON 3805/LAW 4021 Competition Law and Policy
ECON 3810 Decision Theory I
ECON 3830/PUBPOL 3410 Economics of Consumer Protection and the Law (formerly PAM 3410)
ECON 3840/PUBPOL 4460 Economics of Social Security (formerly PAM 4460)
ECON 3850/PUBPOL 3670/5970 Economics and Environmental Policy (formerly PAM 3670/5970)
ECON 4260 Public Finance: The Microeconomics of Government
ECON 4290 Economic Analysis of Politics
ECON 4510 International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 4904 Public Finance: Resource Allocation and Fiscal Policy (was ECON 4270)
ILRGL 6350 Labor Markets and Income Distribution in Developing Economies
ILRHR 6601 Research on Education Reforms and Human Resource Policy
ILRLE 4420 The Economics of Employee Benefits
ILRLE 4460 Economic History of British Labor
ILRLE 4470/INFO 4470 Social and Economic Data
ILRLE 6420 Economic Analysis of the Welfare State
ILRLE 6480 Economic Analysis of the University
PUBPOL 2040 Economics of the Public Sector (formerly PAM 2040 - students must have completed PUBPOL 2000 to be eligible to take this class)
PUBPOL 3240 Risk Management and Policy (formerly PAM 3240)
PUBPOL 3340 Corporations, Shareholders, and Policy (formerly PAM 3340)
PUBPOL 3400 The Economics of Consumer Policy (formerly PAM 3400)
PUBPOL 3600 Economics of Crime (formerly PAM 3600)
PUBPOL 5340 Regulation and Infrastructure Policy (formerly PAM 4640/5340)