People at ILR

Risa Lieberwitz
people / faculty

Risa Lieberwitz

Professor of Labor & Employment Law
Global Labor and Work (GLW)


Risa L. Lieberwitz is a Professor of Labor and Employment Law in the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), where she has been a professor since 1982. She is an associate in the Worker Institute at Cornell and a co-director of the Cornell University Law and Society minor.

Professor Lieberwitz currently holds an appointment as General Counsel of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). She has also served as a member of AAUP Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.

Professor Lieberwitz teaches a wide range of courses, including Labor and Employment Law, Constitutional Aspects of Labor and Employment Law, Employment Discrimination Law, Arbitration, and Theories of Equality and Their Application in the Workplace. Her research addresses these areas, with a current focus on academic freedom in higher education.

Teaching Statement

Professor Lieberwitz teaches a wide range of courses, including Labor and Employment Law, Constitutional Aspects of Labor and Employment Law, Employment Discrimination Law, Arbitration, and Theories of Equality and Their Application in the Workplace.

Research Statement

Professor Lieberwitz's publications include articles on academic freedom in the university, as well as articles on labor law and on constitutional issues of freedom of speech, due process, and search and seizure in the employment setting. Her current research focuses on the "corporatization" of the university and the implications of these developments on academic freedom and the role of higher education in a democratic society. Ongoing research projects include a study of collective bargaining to protect academic freedom and faculty governance in higher education. Her research projects also include a comparative study of “research assessment” and academic freedom in the U.S. and U.K.

Service Statement

Risa Lieberwitz has long been active in faculty governance at Cornell University, including membership in the Cornell Faculty Senate and the University Faculty Committee of the Faculty Senate. She currently holds an appointment as General Counsel of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). She also serves as a member of AAUP Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.


Journal Articles

  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2021. The Changing Nature of Technology, Work and Social Relations, Revista Derecho Social y Empresa . La Incidencia de Las Nuevas Tecnologias en Las Relaciones Laborales: Economia Digita, Teletrabajo y Desconexion Digital (II)(Number 15, July 2021):page numbers 84-100. (DOI:10.14679/1191)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2021. Vulnerability Theory and Higher Education, The Law Teacher . Vol. 55(No. 1):page numbers: 5-23. (DOI:10.1080/03069400.2021.1872863 )
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2013. Navigating Troubled Waters at the NLRB, Academe . 99(6):10-15.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2009. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2008–October 2009), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2009:272-275.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2008. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2007–October 2008), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2008
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2007. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2006–October 2007), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2007:264-269.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2007. Linking Professional Academic Freedom, Free Speech, and Racial and Gender Equality, Loyola Law Review . 53(2):165-176.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2007. Faculty in the Corporate University: Professional Identity, Law, and Collective Action, Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy . 16(2):263-330.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2006. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2005–October 2006), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2006:244-250.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2006. Linking Trade and Labor Standards: Prioritizing the Right of Association, Cornell International Law Journal . 39(3):641-?.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2005. Confronting the Privatization and Commercialization of Academic Research: An Analysis of Social Implications at the Local, National, and Global Levels, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies . 12(1):109-152.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2005. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2004–October 2005), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2005:256-260.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2005. The Corporatization of Academic Research: Whose Interests Are Served?, Akron Law Review . 38(4):759-770.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2004. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2003–October 2004), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2004:265-268.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2004. Labor Law in the United States: The Continuing Need for Reform, Managerial Law . 46(4/5):53-70.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2003. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2002–October 2003), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2003:205-208.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2002. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2001–October 2002), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2002:274-279.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2002. The Corporatization of the University: Distance Learning at the Cost of Academic Freedom?, Boston University Public Interest Law Journal . 12(1):73-135.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2001. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 2000–October 2001), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2001:226-229.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2000. Developments in Labor and Employment Law In the United States (October 1999–October 2000), Bulletin de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale . 2000:215-221.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1987. Due Process and the LMRDA: An Analysis of Democratic Rights in the Union and at the Workplace, Boston College Law Review . 29(1):21-64.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1986. Freedom of Speech in Public Sector Employment: The Deconstitutionalization of the Public Sector Workplace, U.C. Davis Law Review . 19:597-?.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1984. Attorneys' Fees, The NLRB and the Equal Access to Justice Act: From Bad to Worse, Hofstra Labor Law Journal . 2:1-?.
  • Curtis L Mack, Risa Lieberwitz. 1981. Secondary Consumer Picketing: The First Amendment Questions Remain, Mercer Law Review . 32(3):815-831.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1977. Case Comment, Criminal Procedure: Expanding Disclosure of Presentence Investigation Reports, University of Florida Law Review . 29(4):769-777.


  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2003. Selected Employment Law Statutes 2003-2004 Edition (co-editor). St. Paul MN, United States: West Group, 2003. Mack A Player, Elaine W Shoben, Risa L Lieberwitz.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2001. Selected Employment Law Statutes 2001-2002 Edition (co-editor). St. Paul MN, United States: West Group, 2001. Mack A Player, Elaine W Shoben, Risa L Lieberwitz.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2000. Selected Employment Law Statutes 2000-2001 Edition (co-editor). St. Paul MN, United States: West Group, 2000. Mack A Player, Elaine W Shoben, Risa L Lieberwitz.
  • Mack A Player, Elaine W Shoben, Risa Lieberwitz. 1995. Employment Discrimination Law, Second Edition. St. Paul MN, United States: West Publishing Company, 1995.
  • Mack A Player, Elaine W Shoben, Risa Lieberwitz. 1990. Employment Discrimination Law. St. Paul MN, United States: West Publishing Company, 1990.

Book Chapters

  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2022. Corporatization of Higher Education: A Crisis of Labor and Democracy. in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF LABOR AND DEMOCRACY. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Angela B. Cornell and Mark Barenberg. (page numbers: 318-333)
  • Risa Lieberwitz, Berrin Ceylan-Ataman. 2016. Introduction: A framework for employment and equity. in Employment and Equity. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labor Organization, 2016. Berrin Ceylan-Ataman and Risa L. Lieberwitz. (1-10)
  • Risa Lieberwitz, . 2016. The relationship between collective and individual rights to achieve equity in employment. in Employment and Equity. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labor Organization, 2016. Berrin Ceylan-Ataman and Risa L. Lieberwitz. (61-78)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2014. New Technologies and Working Relationships in the United States. in Tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion en relaciones de trabajo: Nuevas dimensiones del conflicto jurídico. Spain: Eolas ediciones, 2014. Carolina San Martín Mazzucconi, Lourdes Meléndez Morillo-Velarde. (499-520)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2014. Higher Education and Social Policy: The Case of the United States. in Labor and Employment Relations in a Globalized World: New Perspectives on Work, Social Policy, and Labor Market Implications. Switzerland: Springer, 2014. Dereli, Toker, Soykut-Sarica, Y. Pinar, Sen-Tasbasi, Asli .
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2014. University-Industry Relations in the U.S.: Serving Private Interests. in Academic Freedom In Conflict: The Struggle Over Free Speech Rights in the University. Canada: Lorimer, 2014. James L. Turk.
  • Gill Kirton, Geraldine Healy, Sally Alvarez, Mary Gatta, Risa Lieberwitz, Heather Mackay. 2013. Developing and Globalising Women's Union Leadership via a Cross-National Exchange Programme. in Gendering and Diversifying Trade Union Leadership. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2013. Sue Ledwith and Lise Lotte Hansen. (202-221)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2013. La question de travailleurs pauvres et le poids de l’idéologie aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique (French translation of "The Working Poor : A Report on the United States.". in Droit social et travailleurs pauvres (Social Law and the Working Poor). Belgium: Bruylant, 2013. Philippe Auvergnon. (223-248)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2007. University Science Research Funding: Privatizing Policy and Practice. in Science and the University. United States: University of Wisconsin Press, 2007. Paula E Stephan, Ronald G Ehrenberg.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2005. Contingent Labor: Ideology in Practice. in Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus. Ithaca NY, United States: Cornell University Press, 2005. Martha Fineman, Terence Dougherty.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2005. Quelle Responsabilité Sociale Pour L’Entreprise? Un Regard Américain. in Quelle Responsabilité Sociale Pour L’Entreprise? Approches Juridiques Nationales et Comparatives: Les Actes du Seminaire de Droit Compare du Travail, des Relations Professionnelles et de la Securite Sociale. France: Centre de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale de l’Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, 2005. Philippe Auvergnon.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2004. La Représentation Collective en Droit du Travail Américain: La Nécessité d’une Réforme. in La Representation Collective en Droit Social: Les Actes du Seminare de Droit Compare du Travail, des Relations Professionnelles et de la Securite Sociale. France: Centre de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale de l’Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, 2004. Philippe Auvergnon.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1995. Current Trends in U.S. Labor Law: The Report of the Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations. in International Symposium on the New Trends of Labor Laws in Selected Countries. Korea Labor Institute, 1995. (115-169 (English); 1-37 (translated into Korean))
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1994. Constitutional and Statutory Treatment of Drug Testing in the United States. in Drug Testing in the Workplace: Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems. New York NY, United States: Plenum Press, 1994. Scott Macdonald, Paul Roman.
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 1992. The Use of Criminal Conspiracy Prosecutions to Restrict Freedom of Speech: The Haymarket Trial. in In the Shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Urbana IL, United States: University of Illinois Press, 1992. Marianne Debouzy.

Book Reviews

  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2004. The Marketing of Higher Education: The Price of the University’s Soul (review of 'Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education' by Dekek Bok). in Cornell Law Review. 2004. (763-800)

Conference Proceedings

  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2006. Expanding Global Access to Knowledge: The Role of The University. Turkey: 5th Knowledge, Economy, and Management Congress, Kocaeli University, 2006. (13-24)
  • Risa Lieberwitz. 2006. Universities and Markets: The Ownership of Knowledge?. Turkey: 5th Knowledge, Economy, and Management Congress, Kocaeli University, 2006. (387-396)

Professional Activities

  • NA. Presented to ILR Alumni Association NYC Chapter. On-line. 2022.
  • The 'Corporatization' of the University: Threats to Principles and Practice of Academic Freedom . Presented to Comparative and International Education Society. Washington, D.C.. 2015.
  • Privatizing and Corporatizing the University: A U.S. and UK Comparison. Presented to Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management. Queen Mary University of London, UK. 2015.
  • The Corporate University. Presented to Democratizing Knowledge Project and THE General Body, Syracuse University. Syracuse University. 2015.
  • “Corporatization” vs. Academic Freedom: Can Faculty Shared Governance Be Saved? . Presented to AAUP-WSU and Wright State University administration. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. 2015.
  • Labor Rights as Fundamental Rights in U.S. Law: Potential and Limits. Presented to University of Vigo. Vigo, Spain. 2014.
  • Unionization by University Faculty: Collective Interests of Academic Labor . Presented to Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Emory University School of Law. Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia. 2014.
  • New Technologies and Working Relationships in the United States. Presented to Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Madrid, Spain. 2013.