Leslie Shaw
140 Garden Ave
309 Dolgen Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
Leslie Shaw joined the Yang-Tan Institute in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations in January, 2018. A quantitative psychologist, she has expertise in longitudinal analyses and structural equation modeling. Leslie also has experience with randomized control trials, program evaluation, data management, measure validation and norming, and secondary data analysis. While obtaining her Ph.D., she worked at the Beach Center on Disability and the KU Center on Developmental Disabilities on research related to self-determination, transition services, and support needs for youth and adults with intellectual disability. She is currently working on the NYS PROMISE (Promoting the Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income) project and supports the Vocational Rehabilitation Youth Technical Assistance Centers (VR Y-TAC) project.
Teaching Statement
My teaching approach starts with the knowledge and skills I want my students to have gained when they walk out of the classroom at the end of the semester. To support the learning of germane topics, I address relevance and carefully consider how best to organize and present the material. Having taught both undergraduate and graduate students, I understand how relevance depends on who is in the classroom. Under-girding it all, I set and communicate expectations of classroom behavior and assignment completion so that students have opportunities to set goals and visualize a clear path to success.
Research Statement
Broadly, I am interested in longitudinal models in order to analyze change. Common models used in psychology are repeated measures analysis of variance, hierarchical linear model growth curves, latent growth curve models, panel models, latent change score models, and growth mixture models. These last four model types can be estimated with observed or latent variables in a structural equation modeling framework. Time series models of individuals or groups are more common in political science and econometrics but their popularity is growing in psychology as the cost of data collecting repeated measures can be greatly reduced with the use of mobile technology. I like determining which model to use to best answer the relevant research question and exploring the robustness of each model to misspecification.
Areas of Expertise
Research Reports
- Matt Saleh, Leslie Shaw, Kimberly J Osmani, Kaitlyn Jackson, & Barbara Gillen. (2024). Final evaluation report of the Youth and adult transition systems collaboration.
Journal Articles
- Leslie Shaw, Matt Saleh, Kimberly J Osmani, & Kaitlyn Jackson. (2023). A national study of state-level interagency collaboration among youth serving systems. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 89(3), 58-67.
- Sarah R Carlson, Leslie Shaw, & James R Thompson. (2023). The Impact of Administration Formats on SIS-A Scores. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 128(1), 66-81. (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1352/1944-7558-128.1.66)
- Sarah von Schrader, Leslie Shaw, & Adrienne Colella. (2022). Perceptions of Federal Workplace Attributes: Interactions among Disability, Sex, and Military Experience. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. (DOI:10.1177/10442073221128917)
- Leslie Shaw, James R Thompson, Marco Lombardi, Luigi Croce, Roberta Speziale, Tiziano Gomiero, & Karrie Shogren. (2022). The Italian Translation of the Supports Intensity Scale-Children (SIS-C Italian): Measurement invariance and differences. Journal of International Special Needs Education.
- James R. Thompson, Leslie Shaw, Karrie A , Tryggvi Sigurðsson, & Guðný Stefánsdóttir. (2020). The Supports Intensity Scale Children’s Version – Icelandic Translation: Examining measurement properties. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 125(4), 318-334. (DOI:10.1352/1944-7558-125.4.318)
- Matt Saleh, Leslie Shaw, Valerie B Malzer, & Michelle Podolec. (2019). Interagency Collaboration in Transition to Adulthood: A Mixed Methods Approach to Identifying Promising Practices and Processes in the NYS PROMISE Project. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(2), 183-198.
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, & Cristina Mumbardó-Adam. (2019). The Assessment of Self-Determination in Spanish and American Adolescents Using the Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 57(4), 274-288. (DOI:10.1352/1934-9556-57.4.274)
- Hassan Enayati, & Leslie Shaw. (2019). Bounding the return on investment and projecting the costs of expanding PROMISE services and activities: Initial insights from PROMISE for policymakers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(2), 263-273. (DOI:10.3233/JVR-191044)
- Matt Saleh, Leslie Shaw, Valerie Malzer, & Michelle Podolec. (2019). Interagency collaboration in transition to adulthood: A mixed methods approach to identifying promising practices and processes in the NYS PROMISE project. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(2), 183-198. (DOI:10.3233/JVR-191037)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, & Sheida K. Raley. (2019). Convergent validity of the Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report. Journal of Well-Being Assessment, 3(1), 39-58. (DOI:10.1007/s41543-019-00017-w)
- Mayumi Hagiwara, Karrie A. Shogren, & Leslie Shaw. (2019). Examining the impact of respondent-level factors on scores on the Supports Intensity Scale – Children’s Version. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 124(4), 309-323. (DOI:10.1352/1944-7558-124.4.309)
- Sheida K. Raley, Karrie A. Shogren, Graham G. Rifenbark, Mark H. Anderson, & Leslie Shaw. (2019). Comparing the impact of online and paper-and-pencil administration of the Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report. Journal of Special Education Technology.
- Karrie A. Shogren, James R. Thompson, Leslie Shaw, Elizabeth M. Grandfield, & Mayumi Hagiwara. (2018). Detecting changes in support needs over time. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123(4), 315-328. (DOI:10.1352/1944-7558-123.4.315)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Leslie Shaw, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, Frank A. Smith, & Sheida Khamsi. (2018). Predictors of self-determination in postsecondary education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Education andTraining in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 53(2), 146-159.
- Karrie Shogren, Leslie Shaw, Sheida K. Raley, & Michael L. Wehmeyer. (2018). The impact of personal characteristics on scores on the Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report in adolescents with and without disabilities. Psychology in Schools, 55(9), 1013-1026. (DOI:10.1002/pits.22174)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, Sheida K. Raley, & Michael L. Wehmeyer. (2018). Exploring the effect of disability, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on scores on the Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report. Exceptional Children. (DOI:10.1177/0014402918782150)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Kathryn M. Burke, Teri Antosh, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Teri LaPlante, Leslie Shaw, & Sheida K. Raley. (2018). Impact of the self-determined learning model of instruction on self-determination and goal attainment in adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1-18. (DOI:doi.org/10.1177/104420731879217)
- Esmeralda Valdivieso-Mora, Ivanisevic Mirjana , Leslie Shaw, Zachary D. Green, Monica Salazar-Villanea, Jose Moncada-Jimenez, David K. Johnson, & Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal. (2018). Health-related quality of life of older adults in Costa Rica as measured by the Short-Form-36 health survey (SF36). Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 4, 1-13. (DOI:doi.org/10.1177/2333721418782)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Todd D. Little, Elizabeth Grandfield, Sheida Raley, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Kyle M. Lang, & Leslie Shaw. (2018). The Self-Determination Inventory-Student Report: Confirming the factor structure of a new measure. Assessment for effective intervention, 11. (DOI:10.1177/153450841878816)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Kathryn M. Burke, Mark Anderson, Anthony Antosh, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Terri LaPlante, & Leslie Shaw. (2018). Evaluating the differential impact of interventions to promote self-determination and goal attainment for transition-age youth with intellectual disability. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. (DOI:10.1177/1540796918779775)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, Sheida Khamsi, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Ryan Niemiec, & Megan Adkins. (2018). Assessing character strengths in youth with intellectual disability: Reliability and factorial validity of the VIA-Youth. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 56(1), 13-29. (DOI:10.1352/1934-9556-56.1.13)
- Anthony J. Plotner, Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, Chelsea VanHorn Stinnett, & Hyojeong Seo. (2017). Centers for independent living and secondary transition collaboration: Characteristics for enhanced service delivery for adolescents in the United States. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(13), 1287-1295. (DOI:10.1080/09638288.2016.1193904)
- Climent Giné, Ana L. Adam, Josep Font, Francesc Salvador-Bertran, Natasha Baqués, Cristina Oliveira, Cristina Mumbardó, Hyojeong Seo, Leslie Shaw, Karrie A. Shogren, & James R. Thompson. (2017). Examining measurement invariance and differences in age cohorts on the Supports Intensity Scale – Children’s Version – Catalan translation. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 122(6), 511-524. (DOI:10.1352/1944-7558-122.6.511)
- Hyojeong Seo, Leslie Shaw, Karrie A. Shogren, Kyle Lang, & Todd D. Little. (2017). The benefits of latent variable modeling to develop norms for a translated version of a standardized scale. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41(6), 743-750. (DOI:10.1177/0165025416671612)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, Michael L. Wehmeyer, James R. Thompson, Kyle M. Lang, Marc J. Tassé, & Robert L. Schalock. (2017). The support needs of children with intellectual disability and autism: Implications for supports planning and subgroup classification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(3), 865-877. (DOI:10.1007/s10803-016-2995-y)
- Karrie A. Shogren, & Leslie Shaw. (2017). The impact of personal factors on self-determination and early-adulthood outcome constructs in youth with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 27(4), 223-233. (DOI:10.1177/1044207316667732)
- Miguel A. Verdugo, Benito Arias, Veronica M. Guillén, Hyojeong Seo, Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, & James R. Thompson. (2016). Examining age-related differences in support needs on the Supports Intensity Scale-Children's Version-Spanish translation. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 16(3), 306-314. (DOI:10.1016/j.ijchp.2016.06.002)
- Karrie A. Shogren, Leslie Shaw, & Todd D. Little. (2016). Measuring the early adulthood outcomes of young adults with disabilities: Developing constructs using NLTS2 data. Exceptionality, 24(1), 45-61. (DOI:10.1080/09362835.2015.1064416)
- Karrie A. Shogren, & Leslie Shaw. (2016). The Role of Autonomy, Self-Realization, and Psychological Empowerment in Predicting Outcomes for Youth With Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 37(1), 55-62. (DOI:10.1177/0741932515585003)
- Neil J Salkind, & Leslie Shaw. (2019). Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics Using R. Sage Publishing.
Professional activities
- Effects of Race, Ethnicity, and Age on Postschool Outcomes for Autistic People. Presented to Council on Exceptional Children Division on Autism & Developmental Disaiblities. Clearwater Beach, Florida. 2025.
- Transition Predictors for Autistic Youth: Findings from a National Survey. Presented to Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth). Online. 2024.
- Transition Predictors for Autistic Youth: Findings from a National Survey. Presented to Council on Exceptional Children Division on Career Development and Transition. Chantilly, Virginia. 2024.
- Bridging the Research to Practice Gap with Knowledge of Transition Predictors for High School Students with Autism. Presented to Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Oahu, Hawaii. 2023.
- Bridging the Research to Practice Gap with Knowledge of Transition Predictors for High School Students with Autism. Presented to Project ATTAIN. Virtual. 2023.
- Project ATTAIN on Predictors of Positive Post-School Outcomes for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Project ATTAIN (Autism Transition to Adulthood Initiative) Webinar 1.. Presented to Project ATTAIN. Virtual. 2023.
- Project ATTAIN on Predictors of Positive Post-School Outcomes for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder.. Presented to Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT). Reno, Nevada. 2023.
- Collaboration in Service of Youth Empowerment. Presented to Council on Exceptional Children Division on Career Development & Transition. Reno, Nevada. 2023.
- Supporting Youth Through Interagency Collaboration. Presented to TAVAC. San Antonio, Texas. 2023.
- ATTAIN (Autism Transition to Adulthood Initiative): Identifying Predictors of Successful Transition. Presented to American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) . Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 2023.
- Supporting Youth Through Interagency Collaboration. Presented to National Association of People Supporting Employment First. Columbus, Ohio. 2023.
- What Experiences Lead to Positive Outcomes for Youth with Autism? Let’s Learn What the Research Tells Us!. Presented to Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Career Development and Transition, Virginia Chapter (VA DCDT). Virtual. 2023.
- Improving Collaborative Partnerships in Support of Youth With Disabilities. Presented to National Youth Employment Coalitition. Indianapolis, Indiana. 2023.
- Best Practices for Collaboration with Partners Serving Youth With Disabilities. Presented to Council for Exceptional Children. Louisville, KY. 2023.
- Delivering Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS): Trends, Challenges, and Strategies. Presented to Council for Exceptional Children. Louisville, KY. 2023.
- Using In-School Predictors to Improve Outcomes for Youth with Autism: What the Research Tells Us. Presented to Community Support Network - Westchester Institute for Human Development. Virtual. 2023.
- New evidence on the magnitude of predictors of the transition to adulthood for youth with Autism. Presented to Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, FL. 2023.
- New Evidence on in-School Predictors of Post-School Success for Transition-Aged Youth with Autism. Presented to Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management. Washington, DC. 2022.
- Interagency Collaboration in Support of Youth with Disabilities. Presented to National Association for Workforce Professionals. Charlotte, NC. 2022.
- The Essential Role of Data in the VR Program. Presented to Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management. Virtual. 2022.
- Supporting Greater Transitions from High School to Adulthood with Predictors of Post-School Success. Presented to Virginia Division on Career Development and Transition. Roanoke, Virginia. 2022.
- New evidence on the magnitude of predictors of the transition to adulthood for youth with Autism. Presented to Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Virtual. 2022.
- Supporting Greater Transitions from High School to Adulthood with Predictors of Post-School Success. Presented to Community Support Network - Westchester Institute for Human Development. Virtual. 2022.
- What In-School Experiences Predict Successful Transition for Youth with ASD?. Presented to Virginia DCDT . Virtual. 2022.
- New evidence on the magnitude of predictors of employment for youth with Autism. Presented to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Virtual. 2021.
- Identifying and Comparing the Predictors of Successful Transition to Employment for Low-Income Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presented to University of Washington and Microsoft Research. Virtual. 2021.
- High Quality Data. Presented to New York State Office of Special Education Partnership. virtual. 2020.
- Connecting Employer Practices to Disability Outcomes. Presented to EEOC. Virtual (planned for New Orleans). 2020.
- A Multi-country Comparison of Support Needs for Children with Intellectual Disability. Presented to International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Glasgow, Scotland. 2019.
- Changing healthcare practices for youth with disabilities receiving intensive case management and benefits counseling. Presented to American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. St. Paul, Minnesota. 2019.
- Measuring Support Needs with the Supports Intensity Scale – Children’s Version – Italian Translation. Presented to American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. St. Paul, Minnesota. 2019.
- Community Policing Implementation Strategies: Predictors of organizational application & predictions of organizational performance. Presented to Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, Illinois. 2018.
- Support needs, ASD diagnosis, and the Support Intensity Scale – Children’s Version. Presented to American Psychological Association. Denver, Colorado. 2016.
- Factors affecting retention in community maltreatment prevention research. Presented to Society for the Research in Child Development. Montreal, Quebec. 2011.
- Mental health and parenting factors among CPS reported children: Indicators of engagement with an in-home parenting program. Presented to International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Baltimore, Maryland. 2007.