Lance Compa
People/Emeriti faculty
Senior Lecturer Emeritus
Global Labor and Work

- James Gross, & Lance Compa. (2009). Human Rights in Labor and Employment Relations: International and Domestic Perspectives. LERA, University of Illinois.
- James Atleson, Lance Compa, Kerry Rittich, Calvin Sharpe, & Marley Weiss. (2008). International Labor Law: Cases and Materials on Workers’ Rights in the Global Economy (with Documentary Supplement). West Law Publishers.
- Lance Compa. (2005). Blood, Sweat, and Fear: Workers’ Rights in U.S. Meat and Poultry Plants. Human Rights Watch report.
- Lance Compa. (2004). Unfair Advantage: Workers' Freedom of Association in the United States under International Human Rights Standards. Cornell University Press.
- Lance Compa, & Fay Lyle. (2003). Justice For All: A Guide to Worker Rights in the Global Economy. American Center for International Labor Solidarity/AFL-CIO.
- Kevin Banks, Lance Compa, L Lara, & S Polaski. (2000). Labor Relations Law in North America. Commission for Labor Cooperation.
- Lance Compa. (2000). Unfair Advantage: Workers Freedom of Association in the United States under International Human Rights Standards. Human Rights Watch report.
- Lance Compa. (1997). Plant Closings and Labor Rights. Bernan Press.
- Lance Compa, & Stephen F Diamond. (1996). Human Rights, Labor Rights and International Trade. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Book Chapters
- Lance Compa. (2008). Trade Unions and Human Rights. In Human Rights at Home. Greenwood Publishing.
- Lance Compa. (2006). Labor Rights in the FTAA. In Globalisation and the Future of Labour Law. Cambridge University Press.
- Lance Compa. (2006). Labor Rights: A Recent History. In Covering Labor: A Reporter’s Guide to Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy. Initiative for Policy Dialogue.
- Lance Compa, & David M Trubek. (2006). Trade Law, Labor, and Global Inequality. In Law and Class in America. New York University Press.
- Lance Compa. (2005). L’ALENA et les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs des pays partenaires. In Mondialisation, Travail, et Droits Fondamentaux. Bruylant/LGDJ.
- Lance Compa. (2004). Comments on Getman's 'Another Look at Labor and the Law'. In The Future of Labor Unions. LBJ School, University of Texas.
- Lance Compa, & Antonio Ojeda Avilés. (2004). Globalisation, Class Actions et Droit du Travail. In Mondialisation, droit fondamentaux, travail. Bruylant/LGDJ.
- Lance Compa, & Lowell Turner. (2003). Paths to Global Social Regulation: What Can Americans Learn from the European Union?. In European Integration as a Social Experiment in a Globalized World. Hans Böckler Stiftung.
- Lance Compa. (2003). Workers’ Freedom of Association in the United States: The Gap Between Ideals and Practice. In Workers’ Rights as Human Rights. Cornell University Press.
- Lance Compa. (2002). A Glass Half Full: The NAFTA Labor Agreement and Cross-Border Labor Action. In Concepts and Strategies in International Human Rights. Peter Lance Publishing.
- Lance Compa. (2001). Free Trade, Fair Trade, and the Battle for Labor Rights. In Rekindling the Movement: Labor’s Quest for Relevance in the 21st Century. Cornell University Press.
- Lance Compa. (2001). NAFTA’s Labor Side Agreement and International Labor Solidarity. In Place, Space and the New Labour Internationalisms. Blackwell Publishers.
- Lance Compa. (2000). Works in Progress: Constructing a Social Dimension of Trade in the Americas. In The Social Dimension of Economic Integration. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs.
- Lance Compa. (1999). El ACLAN: un recuento de tres años. In Estándares laborales despues del TLCAN. Ebert/FLACSO.
- Lance Compa. (1998). Comercio de América del Norte: Dimensión Social o Decepción Social?. In Sindicalismo y globalización: la dolorosa inserción en un mundo incierto. Editorial Nueva Sociedad.
- Lance Compa. (1998). Perspective américaine sur l’Alena et le mouvement syndical. In L’intégration économique en Amerique du Nord et les relations industrielles. Université Laval.
- Lance Compa. (1992). Dangers of 'Worker Control'. In When Workers Decide. New Society Publishers.
- Lance Compa. (1992). Returning Rights to the Workforce. In Buying America Back. Council Oak Books.
- Lance Compa. (1984). Conversion and the Labor Movement. In Economic Conversion: Revitalizing America's Economy. Ballinger Pub. Co..
Book Reviews
- Lance Compa. (2005). Review of From Consent to Coercion: The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms by Leo Panitch and Donald Swartz.
- Lance Compa. (2002). Review of Global Economy and Regulation of Labour (Edwards & Elgars, eds); Globalization and Labour Resistance (Jeremy Waddington, ed.); Labour and Capital in National Economies (Martin Upchurch, ed.).
- Lance Compa. (2000). Review of Environmental Regulations and Corporate Strategy: A NAFTA Perspective by Rugman
- Lance Compa. (2000). Review of Henry Frundt’s Trade Conditions and Labor Rights.
- Lance Compa. (1998). Review of Advancing Theory in Labour Law and Industrial Relations in a Global Context (Ton Wilthagen, ed.).
- Lance Compa. (1995). A World Without Work (review of Jeremy Rifkin’s The End of Work).
- Lance Compa. (1989). Brotherhood From Within (Review of Black Workers: A Documentary History, P. Foner, ed.).
- Lance Compa. (1982). Job Blackmail (Review of Richard Kazis and Richard L. Grossman’s Fear at Work: Job Blackmail, Labor, and the Environment).
Research Reports
- Lance Compa. (2004). Worker Rights in China.
- Lance Compa. (2004). Worker Rights in Sri Lanka.
- Lance Compa. (2003). Worker Rights in Mexico.
- Lance Compa. (2001). The North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation.
- Lance Compa. (1990). Labor Rights in Haiti.
- John Cavanagh, Lance Compa, Allan Ebert, Bill Goold, Kathy Selvaggio, & Tim Shorrock. (1989). Trade's Hidden Costs: Worker Rights in a Changing World Economy.
Magazine Publications
- Lance Compa. (2001). Wary Allies: Trade Unions, NGOs, and Corporate Codes of Conduct.
- Lance Compa. (1998). A Fast Track for Labor.
- Lance Compa. (1997). Another Look at NAFTA.
- Lance Compa. (1987). Report from Haiti: A 'Yes' for Democracy.
- Lance Compa. (1987). Tax Reform Creates New Possibilities.
- Lance Compa. (1986). Faces of Global Competition: Unions, Protectionism and Human Rights.
- Lance Compa. (1985). Labor Independence.
- Lance Compa. (1985). Workers Challenge Plant Shutdowns.
- Lance Compa. (1984). Stacked Deck: Rules of the Game Won't Let Unions Win.
- Lance Compa. (1984). Winning With or Without Mondale.
- Lance Compa. (1984). Sounds Nice, But It's Anti-Union.
- Lance Compa. (1983). Fair Trade, Free Trade, Full Trade.
- Lance Compa. (1983). How to Fight a Unionbusting Conglomerate.
- Lance Compa. (1982). Breaking Ranks: Unions and Military Spending.
- Lance Compa. (1982). Hard Choices: Organizing or Merchandising?.
Conference Proceedings
- Lance Compa. (1994). American Trade Unions and NAFTA.
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