George Hersh Jakubson
Associate Professor of Economics

133 Statler Dr
257 Ives Hall Faculty Wing
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
Areas of Expertise
Income distribution and security
Labor Economics
Social insurance and welfare
Statistical Theory, Methods, Analysis
Journal Articles
- Robert Duval-Hernández, Gary Fields, & George Jakubson. (2016). Cross-Sectional Versus Panel Income Approaches: Analyzing Income Distribution Changes for the Case of Mexico. Review of Income and Wealth.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, Sarah J Prenovitz, Gary R Cohen, & George Jakubson. (2016). An Evaluation of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship's Effect on PhD Production. Economics of Education Review, 53(August 2016), 284-296.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson, Mirinda L Martin, Joyce B Main, & Thomas Eisenberg. (2012). Diversifying the Faculty Across Gender Lines; Do Trustees and Administrators Matter?. Economics of Education Review, 31(February), 9-18.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, Jeffrey Groen, George Jakubson, Scott Condie, & Albert Liu. (2008). Program Design and Student Outcomes in Graduate Eduation. Economics of Education Review, 27(2), 111-124.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson, Jeffrey A Groen, Eric So, & Joseph Price. (2007). Inside the Black Box of Doctoral Education: What Program Characteristics Influence Doctoral Students' Attrition and Graduation Probabilities?. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 29(2).
- Donald Cox, & George Jakubson. (1995). The Connection between Public Transfers and Private Interfamily Transfers. Journal of Public Economics, 57(1), 129-?.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, & George Jakubson. (1990). Why WARN?. Regulation.
- Robert Hutchens, George Jakubson, & Saul Schwartz. (1989). AFDC and the Formation of Subfamilies. Journal of Human Resources, 24(4), 599-628.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, & George Jakubson. (1989). Advance Notice Provisions in Plant Closing Legislation: Do They Matter?. Industrial Relations.
- Dan Feaster, Peter Gottschalk, & George Jakubson. (1987). Impact of 1981 AFDC Reforms on Months Worked and Welfare Duration. Journal of Human Resources, 22(4), 542-550.
- Gary Fields, & George Jakubson. (1985). Labor Market Analysis Using the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 13(3/4), 281-286.
- Sheldon Danziger, George Jakubson, Saul Schwartz, & Eugene Smolensky. (1982). Work and Welfare as Determinants of Female Poverty and Household Headship. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 97(3), 519-534.
Book Chapters
- Ronald Ehrenberg, Michael J Rizzo, & George Jakubson. (2007). Who Bears the Growing Cost of Science. In Science and the University. University of Wisconsin Press.
- George Jakubson, & Ronald Ehrenberg. (1993). Why WARN? The Impact of Recent Plant-Closing and Layoff Prenotification Legislation in the United States. In Employment Security and Labor Market Behavior. ILR Press.
- George Jakubson, & G Psacharopoulos. (1992). The Effect of Education on Female Labor Force Participation and Earnings in Ecuador. In Women's Employment and Pay in Latin America. World Bank.
- Ronald Ehrenberg, & George Jakubson. (1988). Advance Notice Provisions in Plant Closing Legislation. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
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