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Gary Fields
people / faculty

Gary Fields

Professor Emeritus


Gary Fields is the John P. Windmuller Professor of International and Comparative Labor and Professor of Economics at Cornell University, Program Coordinator of the IZA Program on Labor and Development, and a UNU-WIDER Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow. He is the 2014 winner of the IZA Prize in Labor Economics, the top world-wide award in the field. He has been an Ivy League teacher and professor for fifty years. After receiving Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Michigan, he became an assistant professor at Yale University at age 25 and an associate professor at age 29. Two years later, he took up a tenured professorship at Cornell University. At Cornell, he teaches and conducts research in labor economics and development economics in the Department of Economics and the ILR School. He chaired ILR's Department of Labor Economics three times and chaired ILR's Department of International and Comparative Labor for eighteen years. He has received perfect teacher ratings in several Cornell University courses (5.0/5.0), has an 88% 5.0 rating on, and is a three-time recipient of the General Mills Foundation Award for Exemplary Graduate Teaching.

Fields has published close to 200 books and articles. His books have been published by the Cambridge University Press, MIT Press (two books), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Labor Organization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Stanford University Press, Springer (two books), and Oxford University Press (four books). His articles have appeared in such professional journals as the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, Econometrica, Economica, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Inequality, and Journal of Public Economics.

Fields is also active in public service and consulting. He is the recipient of numerous grants and contracts from the World Bank, UNU-WIDER, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Labor Organization, and the United Nations, among others. He has served as a consultant to various private companies and the governments of several countries.

Fields was the second most highly-cited professor in economics at Cornell. He is listed in Who's Who in Economics and was named one of the 25 most widely-cited economists in the United States under the age of 40. His book Retirement, Pensions, and Social Security was designated an outstanding book of the year by Princeton University. He is the winner of a year-long Russell Sage Foundation visiting scholarship. A statistical procedure that he created has been incorporated into the Stata statistical software package under the name gfields.

Gary Fields and his wife, Vivian, have lived overseas for many years. He has held visiting professorships at the University of Nairobi (Kenya), Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), Oxford University (England), University of Warwick (England), London School of Economics (England), the Paris School of Economics, previously known as the Département et Laboratoire d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (France), Koç University (Turkey), the Centre for Development Studies (India), the Central Institute for Economic Management (Vietnam), the University of Sydney (Australia), and the European University Institute (Italy). They look forward to resuming travels post-pandemic.


Journal Articles

  • Gary Fields. 2021. Reflections on Africa’s Youth Employment Problem, .
  • Gary Fields. 2020. Modeling Migration Barriers in a Two-Sector Framework: A Welfare Analysis of the Hukou Reform in China, . Economic Modeling
  • Gary Fields, Arnab Basu, Nancy H Chau, Ravi Kanbur. 2019. Job Creation in a Multi-Sector Labor Market Model for Developing Economies, Oxford Economic Papers .
  • Gary Fields. 2017. Cross-Sectional Versus Panel Income Approaches: Analyzing Income Distribution Changes for the Case of Mexico, Review of Income and Wealth .
  • Robert Duval-Hernández, Gary Fields, George Jakubson. 2016. Cross-Sectional Versus Panel Income Approaches: Analyzing Income Distribution Changes for the Case of Mexico, Review of Income and Wealth .
  • Gary Fields. 2015. Aid, growth and jobs, African Development Review . 27(S1):5-16.
  • Gary Fields, Robert Duval-Hernández, Samuel Freije, María Laura Sánchez Puerta. 2015. Earnings mobility, inequality, and economic growth in Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela, The Journal of Economic Inequality . 13(1):103–128.
  • Gary Fields. 2014. Self-Employment and Poverty in Developing Countries, IZA World of Labor .
  • Gary Fields. 2011. Labor market analysis for developing countries, Labour Economics . 18:S16–S22.
  • Gary Fields. 2011. Reflections on My Immersion in India, .
  • Gary Fields. 2011. What We Know (and Want to Know) about Earnings Mobility in Developing Countries, .
  • Gary Fields. 2010. Does Income Mobility Equalize Longer-Term Incomes? New Measures of an Old Concept, Journal of Economic Inequality .
  • Gary Fields. 2010. But That Is Not What Economic Mobility Is, .
  • Gary Fields. 2010. Earning Their Way Out of Poverty: A Brief Overview, Indian Journal of Labour Economics .
  • Gary Fields, María Laura Sánchez Puerta. 2010. Earnings Mobility in Times of Growth and Decline: Argentina from 1996 to 2003, World Development .
  • Gary Fields. 2007. How Much Should We Care About Changing Income Inequality in the Course of Economic Growth?, Journal of Policy Modeling . (29):8 pp.
  • Gary Fields, Ravi Kanbur. 2007. Minimum Wages and Poverty with Income-Sharing, Journal of Economic Inequality . 5(2):13 pp.
  • Gary Fields. 2006. Labor Market Dualism in the Lewis Model: Reply, The Manchester School . 74(3):355-359.
  • Gary Fields. 2006. Labor Markets and Economic Development, Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies . 31(2):72-85.
  • Gary Fields. 2005. A Welfare Economic Analysis of Labor Market Policies in the Harris-Todaro Model, Journal of Development Economics . 76(1):127-146.
  • Gary Fields. 2004. Dualism in the Labor Market: The Lewis Model after Half a Century, The Manchester School . 72(6):724-735.
  • Gary Fields, Paul Cichello, Samuel Freije, Marta Menéndez, David Newhouse. 2003. Household Income Dynamics: A Four Country Story, Journal of Development Studies . 40(2):30-54.
  • Gary Fields. 2003. 'Decent Work' and Development Policies, International Labour Review . 142(2):239-262.
  • Gary Fields. 2003. Accounting for Income Inequality and Its Change: A New Method, with Application to the Distribution of Earnings in the United States, Research in Labor Economics .
  • Gary Fields, Paul Cichello, Samuel Freije, Marta Menéndez, David Newhouse. 2003. For Richer or For Poorer: Evidence from Indonesia, South Africa, Spain, and Venezuela, Journal of Economic Inequality . 1(1):67-99.
  • Gary Fields, Jesse Leary, Efe Ok. 2002. Stochastic Dominance in Mobility Analysis, Economic Letters . 75(3):333-339.
  • Paul Cichello, Gary Fields, Murray Leibbrandt. 2001. Are African Workers Getting Ahead in the New South Africa? Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, 1993-1998, Social Dynamics . 27(1):120-139.
  • Gary Fields. 2000. The Employment Problem in Korea, Journal of the Korean Economy .
  • Gary Fields. 2000. The Employment Problem in South Africa, Trade and Industry Monitor [South Africa] .
  • Gary Fields, Gyeongjoon Yoo. 2000. Falling Labor Income Inequality in Korea's Economic Growth: Patterns and Underlying Causes, Review of Income and Wealth . 46(2):139-?.
  • Gary Fields. 2000. The Dynamics of Poverty, Inequality and Economic Well-Being: African Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective, Journal of African Economies . 9(supplement):45-78.
  • Gary Fields, Efe A Ok. 1999. Measuring Movement of Incomes, Economica . 66(264):455-471.
  • Gary Fields. 1997. Wage Floors and Unemployment: A Two Sector Analysis, Labour Economics . 4(1):85-91.
  • Gary Fields, François Bourguignon. 1997. Discontinuous Losses from Poverty, Generalized Pα Measures, and Optimal Transfers to the Poor, Journal of Public Economics . 63(2):155-176.
  • Gary Fields, Efe A Ok. 1996. The Meaning and Measurement of Income Mobility, Journal of Economic Theory . 71(2):349-?.
  • Gary Fields. 1995. La Curva de Kuznets: Una Buena Idea Pero. . . (The Kuznets Curve: A Good Idea But . . .), Cuadernos Económicos .
  • Gary Fields. 1995. Urban Poverty in Asia, Asian Development Outlook .
  • Gary Fields. 1994. A Discussion of Social Protection and Private Insurance, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance . 19(2):97-99.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. The Migration Transition in Asia, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal . 3(1):7-30.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. The Unemployment Effects of Minimum Wages, International Journal of Manpower . 15(2/3):74-?.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. Changing Labor Market Conditions and Economic Development in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, World Bank Economic Review . 8(3):395-414.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. Data for Measuring Poverty and Inequality Changes in the Developing Countries, Journal of Development Economics . 44(1):87-?.
  • Gary Fields. 1993. Inequality in Dual Economy Models, The Economic Journal . 103(420):1228-1235.
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Changing Poverty and Inequality in Latin America, Public Finance .
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Modern Sector Enlargement or Traditional Sector Enrichment? GNP Effects with Induced Migration, Journal of Population Economics . 5(2):101-112.
  • Gary Fields, Earl L Grinols. 1991. Import Competition in the High-Wage Sector and Trade Policy Effects on Labor, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business .
  • Gary Fields, François Bourguignon. 1990. Poverty Measures and Anti-Poverty Policy, Recherches Economique de Louvain .
  • Gary Fields. 1990. Measuring Inequality Change in an Economy with Income Growth: Reply, Journal of Development Economics . 32(1):211-213.
  • Gary Fields, Henry Y Wan. 1989. Wage-Setting Institutions and Economic Growth, World Development . 17(9):1471-1483.
  • Gary Fields. 1989. Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries, World Bank Research Observer . 4(2):167-185.
  • Gary Fields. 1989. On-the-Job Search in a Labor Market Model: Ex Ante Choices and Ex Post Outcomes, Journal of Development Economics . 30(1):159-178.
  • Gary Fields. 1988. Employment and Economic Growth in Costa Rica, World Development . 16(12):1493-1509.
  • Gary Fields. 1987. Measuring Inequality Change in an Economy with Income Growth, Journal of Development Economics . 26(2):357-374.
  • Gary Fields. 1986. Planning Education for Economic Development, International Journal of Development Planning Literature .
  • Gary Fields, George Jakubson. 1985. Labor Market Analysis Using the Survey of Income and Program Participation, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement . 13(3/4):281-286.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1985. Estimating the Effects of Changing Social Security Benefit Formulas, Monthly Labor Review . 108
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1984. Estimating the Effects of Social Security Reforms on Retirement Ages and Retirement Incomes, Journal of Public Economics . 25(1/2):143-159.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1984. Economic Determinants of the Optimal Retirement Age: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Human Resources . 19(2):245-262.
  • Gary Fields. 1984. Employment, Income Distribution, and Economic Growth in Seven Small Open Economies, The Economic Journal . 94(373):74-83.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1984. The Economics of Retirement Behavior, Journal of Labor Economics . 2(1):84-105.
  • Gary Fields. 1982. Growth and Distribution in the Market Economies of East Asia, World Politics . 35(1):150-160.
  • Gary Fields. 1982. Place-to-Place Migration in Colombia, Economic Development and Cultural Change . 30(3):539-558.
  • Gary Fields, T Paul Schultz. 1982. Income-Generating Functions in a Low Income Country: Colombia, Review of Income and Wealth . 28(1):71-87.
  • Gary Fields. 1981. Poverty, Inequality, and Development: A Distributional Approach, Journal of Policy Modeling . 3(3):295-315.
  • Gary Fields. 1980. How Segmented is the Bogotá Labor Market?, Revista Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (Review of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá) .
  • Gary Fields, T Paul Schultz. 1980. Regional Inequality and Other Sources of Income Variation in Colombia, Economic Development and Cultural Change . 28(3):447-467.
  • Gary Fields. 1980. Yet More on Changing Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Brazil, American Economic Review . 70(1).
  • Gary Fields, Haroldo Calvo. 1979. Distributión de Ingresos Urbanos Para Colombia (Urban Income Distribution in Colombia), Ensayos ECIEL .
  • Gary Fields. 1979. Decomposing LDC Inequality, Oxford Economic Papers . 31(3):437-459.
  • Gary Fields. 1979. Income Inequality in Urban Colombia: A Decomposition Analysis, Review of Income and Wealth . 25(3):327-341.
  • Gary Fields. 1979. A Welfare Economic Approach to Growth and Distribution in the Dual Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics . 93(3):325-353.
  • Gary Fields. 1979. Lifetime Migration in Colombia: Tests of the Expected Income Hypothesis, Population and Development Review . 5(2):247-265.
  • Gary Fields. 1979. Place to Place Migration: Some New Evidence, Review of Economics and Statistics . 61(1):21-32.
  • Gary Fields, John C H Fei. 1978. On Inequality Comparisons, Econometrica . 46(2):303-316.
  • Gary Fields, John C H Fei. 1977. The Indexability of Ordinal Measures of Inequality, Academia Economic Papers .
  • Gary Fields. 1977. Who Benefits from Economic Development? A Re-examination of Brazilian Growth in the 1960s, American Economic Review . 67(4):570-582.
  • Gary Fields. 1977. Direct Labor Market Effects of Unemployment Insurance, Industrial Relations . 16(1):1-14.
  • Gary Fields. 1976. Labor Force Migration, Unemployment, and Job Turnover, Review of Economics and Statistics . 58(4):407-415.
  • Gary Fields. 1975. Higher Education and Income Distribution in a Less Developed Country [Kenya], Oxford Economic Papers . 27(2):245-259.
  • Gary Fields. 1975. Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Underemployment, and Job Search Activity in LDCs, Journal of Development Economics . 2(2):165-187.
  • Gary Fields. 1974. The Private Demand for Education in Relation to Labor Market Conditions in Less Developed Countries, The Economic Journal . 84(336):906-925.
  • Gary Fields. 1974. The Allocation of Resources to Education in Less Developed Countries, Journal of Public Economics . 3(2):133-143.
  • Gary Fields, John S Akin, William B Neenan. 1973. A Socio-Economic Explanation of Demand for Public Goods, Public Finance Quarterly .
  • Gary Fields. 1972. Private and Social Returns to Education in Labour Surplus Economies, Eastern Africa Economic Review .


  • Gary Fields. . Climbing the Job Ladder? Informal and Formal Work in a Dynamic Context. Oxford University Press, T.H. Gindling, Kunal Sen, Michael Danquah, Simone Schotte. (Accepted)
  • Gary Sheldon Fields. 2019. Employment and Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Gary Fields. 2019. Labor Income Share in Asia. ADB Institute and Springer, 2019. Saumik Paul.
  • Gary Sheldon Fields, David Jaume, Guillermo Cruces, Mariana Viollaz. 2017. Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
  • Gary Fields. 2017. Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Latin America. 2017.
  • Gary Sheldon Fields. 2012. Working Hard, Working Poor: A Global Journey. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. (240)
  • Gary Fields. 2009. Bottom-Line Management. Springer Verlag, 2009.
  • Gary Fields. 2006. Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and Economics. Stanford CA, United States: Stanford University Press, 2006. Stephen Morgan, David Grusky, Gary Fields.
  • Gary Fields. 2004. Monitoring International Labor Standards. Washington, DC, United States: National Academies Press, 2004.
  • Gary Fields. 2003. Pathways Out of Poverty. Boston MA, United States: Kluwer, 2003. Gary Fields, Guy Pierre Pfeffermann.
  • Gary Fields. 2001. Distribution and Development: A New Look at the Developing World. London, Cambridge MA, United Kingdom, United States: Russell Sage Foundation, MIT Press, 2001.
  • Gary Fields. 1995. Trade and Labor Standards: A Review of the Issues. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1995.
  • Gary Fields. 1988. Rural Labor Markets and the Economic Development of Sri Lanka. ILO, 1988.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1984. Retirement, Pensions, and Social Security. Cambridge MA, United States: MIT Press, 1984.
  • Gary Fields. 1980. Poverty, Inequality and Development. Cambridge University Press, 1980.

Book Chapters

  • Gary Fields. 2017. Some Reflections on Dual Economy and Multi-Market Models. in Paths for Sustainable Economic Development. LS&W Press, 2017.
  • Gary Sheldon Fields. 2017. The Employment Problem in Developing Countries: A Re Examination Four Decades Later. in Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. Machiko Nissanke. (39-56)
  • Gary Sheldon Fields. 2014. Segmented Labor Markets in South Africa. in Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Haroon Bhorat, Alan Hirsch, Ravi Kanbur, and Mthuli Ncube.
  • Gary Fields, Mabel Andalón. 2013. A Labor Market Approach. in The Labor Market for Health Workers in Africa: A New Look at the Crisis. Washington DC: World Bank, 2013. Agnes Soucat, Richard M. Scheffler and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
  • Gary Fields. 2013. Personal and Technical Reflections. in Bridging Perspectives. SEWA-WIEGO-Cornell, 2013. Namrata Bali, Martha A. Chen, and Ravi Kanbur.
  • Gary Fields. 2012. Accounting for Income Inequality and its Change: A New Method, with Applications to the Distribution of Earnings in the United States. in Research in Labor Economics. 2012. Solomon W. Polachek, Konstantinos Tatsiramos.
  • Gary Fields. 2012. Poverty and Low Earnings in the Developing World. in Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty. Oxford University Press, 2012. Philip N. Jefferson.
  • Gary Fields. 2012. Povery and Low Earnings in the Developing World. in The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty . Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Gary Fields, Kaushik Basu, Shub Debgupta. 2009. Labor Retrenchment Laws and their Effect on Wages and Employment: A Theoretical Investigation. in New and Enduring Themes in Development Economics. World Scientific Publishers, 2009. Bhaskar Dutta, Tridip Ray, and E. Sommanathan.
  • Gary Fields. 2009. Segmented Labor Market Models in Developing Countries . in The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics . Oxford University Press, 2009. (476-510 pp)
  • Gary Fields, Amanda Newton Kraus. 2007. Education and Taiwan’s Changing Employment and Earnings Structures. in Labour Market Trends in Taiwan's New Knowledge Economy. 2007. Joseph Lee.
  • Gary Fields. 2007. Taiwan’s Private Sector Labor Market Prior to 1996. in Labour Market Trends in Taiwan's New Knowledge Economy. 2007. Joseph Lee.
  • Gary Fields. 2007. Understanding Taiwan's Changing Employment and Earnings Structures. in Labour Market Trends in Taiwan's New Knowledge Economy. 2007. Joseph Lee.
  • Gary Fields, Valentino Dardanoni, John E Roemer, María Laura Sánchez Puerta. 2006. How Demanding Should Equality of Opportunity Be, and How Much Have We Achieved?. in Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and Economics. Stanford CA, United States: Stanford University Press, 2006. Stephen Morgan, David Grusky, Gary Fields.
  • Gary Fields. 2006. Should Poverty and Inequality Measures Be Combined?. in Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke. New York NY, United States: Springer, 2006. Alain De Janvry, S M Ravi Kanbur.
  • Gary Fields, Sergei Soares. 2004. The Microeconomics of Changing Income Distribution in Malaysia. in Microeconomics of Income Distribution in East Asia and Latin America. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank, 2004. François Bourguignon, Francisco Ferreira, Nora Lustig.
  • Gary Fields, Paul Cichello, Samuel Freije, Marta Menéndez, David Newhouse. 2003. Escaping from Poverty: New Evidence on Household Income Dynamics. in Pathways Out of Poverty. Kluwer, 2003. Gary Fields, Guy Pierre Pfeffermann.
  • Gary Fields. 2003. International Labor Standards and Decent Work: Perspectives from the Developing World. in International Labor Standards: Globalization, Trade and Public Policy. Stanford CA, United States: Stanford University Press, 2003. Robert Flanagan, William Gould.
  • Gary Fields, Walter S Bagg. 2003. Long-Term Economic Mobility and the Private Sector in Developing Countries. in Pathways Out of Poverty. Boston MA, United States: Kluwer, 2003. Gary Fields, Guy Pierre Pfeffermann.
  • Gary Fields. 2003. The Employment Problem in South Africa: From Cointegration to Mr. Isaacs. in Q-Squared: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Poverty Appraisal. Delhi: Permanent Black, 2003. Ravi Kanbur.
  • Gary Fields. 2001. The Potential Role of an Employment Guarantee Scheme in Korea's Social Safety Net. in Labor Market Reforms in Korea: Policy Options for the Future. Washington, DC; Seoul, United States, Korea: World Bank, Korea Labor Institute, 2001. Fun-Koo Park, Young-Bum Park, Gordon Betcherman, Amit Dar.
  • Gary Fields. 2000. Income Mobility: Concepts and Measures. in New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World. Washington, DC, United States: Brookings Instiution, Carnegie Endowment, 2000. Nancy Birdsall, Carol Graham.
  • Gary Fields, Jennifer O'Hara Mitchell. 1999. Changing Income Inequality in Taiwan: A Decomposition Analysis. in Development, Duality, and the International Regime: Essays in Honor of Gustav Ranis. Ann Arbor MI, United States: University of Michigan Press, 1999. T N Srinivasan, Gary Saxonhouse.
  • Gary Fields, Jesse B Leary. 1999. Economic and Demographic Aspects of Taiwan's Rising Family Income Inequality. in The Economics and Political Economy of Development in Taiwan into the 21st Century. Edward Elgar, 1999. Gustav Ranis, Sheng-Cheng Hu, Yun-Peng Chu.
  • Gary Fields, Efe Ok. 1999. The Measurement of Income Mobility: An Introduction to the Literature. in Handbook of Income Inequality Measurement. Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1999. Jacques Silber.
  • Gary Fields. 1999. The Role of Labor Standards in U.S. Trade Policies. in Social Dimensions of U.S. Trade Policies. Ann Arbor MI, United States: University of Michigan Press, 1999. Alan V. Deardorff, Robert M. Stern.
  • Gary Fields. 1998. Do Inequality Measures Measure Inequality?. in The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production: International Perspectives. New York NY, United States: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Stephen Jenkins, Arie Kapteyn, Bernard M S van Praag.
  • Gary Fields. 1998. Employment Generation and Poverty Alleviation in Developing Economies. in Growth and Competition in the New Global Economy. OECD, 1998. Ulrich Hiemenz.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. Income Distribution in Developing Economies: Conceptual, Data, and Policy Issues in Broad-Based Growth. in Critical Issues in Asian Development: Theories, Experiences, and Policies. Oxford University Press, 1994. M G Quibria.
  • Gary Fields. 1994. Labor Institutions and Economic Development: A Conceptual Framework with Reference to Asia. in Workers, Institutions, and Economic Growth in Asia. International Institute for Labour Studies, 1994. Gerry B Rodgers.
  • Gary Fields. 1993. Poverty Changes in the Developing Countries. in Poverty Monitoring: An International Concern. International Labour Office, 1993. Richard Anker, Rolph van der Hoeven.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1993. Reforming Social Security and Social Safety Net Programs in Developing Countries. in Development Issues, 47th Meeting. World Bank, 1993.
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Living Standards, Labor Markets, and Human Resources in Taiwan. in Taiwan: From Developing to Mature Economy. Boulder CO, United States: Westview Press, 1992. Gustav Ranis.
  • Gary Fields. 1991. Growth and Income Distribution. in Essays on Poverty, Equity, and Growth. New York NY, United States: Pergamon, 1991. George Psacharopoulos.
  • Gary Fields. 1990. Labor Market Modeling and the Urban Informal Sector: Theory and Evidence. in The Informal Sector Revisited. OECD, 1990. David Turnham, Bernard Salomé, Antoine Schwarz.
  • Gary Fields. 1989. The Impact of Government Policies on Urban Employment in Small Economies. in Fighting Urban Unemployment in Developing Countries. OECD, 1989. Bernard Salomé.
  • Gary Fields. 1988. Income Distribution and Economic Growth. in The State of Development Economics. New York NY, United States: Basil Blackwell, 1988. Gustav Ranis, T Paul Schultz.
  • Gary Fields. 1988. Trade Strategies and the Poor: Adjusting to New Realities. in Policy Reform and Equity. San Francisco CA, United States: ICS Press, 1988. Elliot Berg.
  • Gary Fields. 1987. Public Policy and the Labor Market in Developing Countries. in The Theory of Taxation for Developing Countries. New York NY, United States: Oxford University Press, 1987. David Newbery, Nicholas Stern.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1987. Restructuring Social Security: How Will Retirement Ages Respond?. in The Problem Isn't Age: Work and Older Americans. Praeger, 1987. Steven Sandell.
  • Gary Fields. 1985. Industrialization and Employment in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. in Foreign Trade and Investment: The Newly-Industrializing Asian Countries. Madison WI, United States: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. Walter Galenson.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1985. Rewards for Continued Work: The Economic Incentives for Postponing Retirement. in Horizontal Equity, Uncertainty and Economic Well-Being. National Bureau of Economic Research, 1985. Martin David, Timothy Smeeding.
  • Gary Fields. 1984. The Inverted-U Hypothesis. in Leading Issues in Economic Development. New York NY, United States: Oxford University Press, 1984. Gerald M Meier.
  • Gary Fields. 1982. Educational Progress and Commitment. in Education and Development. Lexington MA, United States: Heath Lexington, 1982. Lascelles Anderson, Douglas M Windham.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1982. The Effects of Pensions and Earnings on Retirement: A Review Essay. in Research in Labor Economics. JAI Press, 1982. Ronald G Ehrenberg.
  • Gary Fields. 1980. Assessing Progress Toward Greater Equality of Income Distribution. in Third World Poverty. Lexington MA, United States: Lexington Books, 1980. William McGreevey.
  • Gary Fields. 1980. Education and Income Distribution in Developing Countries: A Review of the Literature. in Education and Income. Washington, DC, United States: World Bank, 1980. Timothy King.
  • Gary Fields. . Poverty, Inequality, and Development: Alleviation or Exacerbation?. in Distribution, Poverty, and Development. Haroldo Calvo.
  • Gary Fields. 1977. Education and Economic Mobility in Colombia. in Economics of Education. 1977. Maria Cristina de Ferro.
  • Gary Fields. 1974. Private Returns and Social Equity in the Financing of Higher Education [in Kenya]. in Education, Society, and Development: New Perspectives from Kenya. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1974. David Court, Dharam Ghai.
  • Gary Fields. 1973. Toward a Model of Education and Employment in Labour Surplus Economies. in Employment Creation in Developing Countries. London, United Kingdom: Praeger, 1973. Karl Wohlmuth.

Book Sections

  • Gary Fields. 2022. Concepts of Social Mobility. in Social Mobility in Developing Countries: Concepts, Methods, and Determinants. Oxford University Press, 2022. Vegard Iversen, Anirudh Krishna, and Kunal Sen.
  • Gary Fields. . Informality and Work Status. Oxford University Press, T.H. Gindling, Kunal Sen, Michael Danquah, and Simone Schotte. (Accepted)
  • Gary Fields. 2019. Confronting Africa’s Employment Problem. in Creating Decent Jobs: Strategies, Policies, and Instruments. African Development Bank, 2019. Célestin Monga, Abebe Shimeles, and Andinet Woldemichael.
  • Gary Fields. 2019. Labor Income Share in Asia: Conceptual Issues and the Drivers. in Labor Income Share in Asia. Springer, 2019. Gary Fields, Naoyuki Yoshino, and Saumik Paul.
  • Gary Fields. 2007. Excerpts from Bottom-Line Management. 2007. (14 pp)

Book Reviews

  • Gary Fields. 2016. Review of Economic Mobility and the Rise of the Latin American Middle Class by Francisco H.G. Ferreira, Julian Messina, Jamele Rigolini, Luis-Felipe López-Calva, Maria Ana Lugo, and Renos Vakis. Journal of Economic Inequality, 2016.
  • Gary Fields. 2016. Review of The Globalization of Inequality by François Bourguignon. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2016.
  • Gary Fields. 2012. Review of Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty, edited by Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2012.
  • Gary Fields. 2010. Review of The Challenge of Employment in India: An Informal Economy Perspective by the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2010.
  • Gary Fields. 2008. Review of Globalization and Poverty. in International Review of Economics and Finance. 2008. (671-672)
  • Gary Fields. 2005. Review of Personnel Economics. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2005. (667-668)
  • Gary Fields. 2005. Review of 'Jobs and Incomes in a Globalizing World' by Ajit Ghose. in Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations. 2005. (180-181)
  • Gary Fields. 2003. Review of 'Labor Regulation in a Global Economy' by George Tsogas. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2003. (360-?)
  • Gary Fields. 2001. Review of 'Forecasting Retirement Needs and Retirement Wealth'. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2001. (378-?)
  • Gary Fields. 2000. Review of 'Successes in Anti-Poverty' by Michael Lipton. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2000. (716-717)
  • Gary Fields. 2000. Review of 'Income Distribution and High-Quality Growth' by Vito Tanzi and Ke-Young Chu. in Review of International Economics. 2000. (175-176)
  • Gary Fields. 1996. Review of 'Private Pension Policies in Industrialized Countries: A Comparative Analysis' by John Turner and Noriyasu Watanabe. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1996. (768-769)
  • Gary Fields. 1996. Review of 'International Labor Standards and Economic Interdependence' by Werner Sengenberger and Duncan Campbell. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1996. (571-572)
  • Gary Fields. 1995. Review of 'Employment and Development: A New Review of Evidence' by David Turnham. in Journal of Development Economics. 1995. (497-502)
  • Gary Fields. 1994. Review of 'Growth with Equity' by Martin Neil Baily, Gary Burtless, and Robert E. Litan. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1994. (722-724)
  • Gary Fields. 1993. Review of 'The Four Little Dragons' by Ezra F. Vogel. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1993. (599)
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Review of 'The Balance Between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development: Volume 3' by Sukhamoy Chakravarty. in Journal of Development Economics. 1992. (409-420)
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Review of 'Income Distribution in Less Developed Countries' by R. M. Sundrum. in Journal of Economic Literature. 1992. (1542-1543)
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Review of 'Urban Labour Market Structure and Job Access in India: A Study of Coimbatore' by John Harriss, K. P. Kannan, and Gerry Rodgers. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1992. (616-617)
  • Gary Fields. 1992. Review of 'The Distribution and Redistribution of Income' by Peter Lambert. in Journal of Economic Literature. 1992. (188-189)
  • Gary Fields. 1990. Review of 'Beneath the Miracle: Labor Subordination in the New Asian Industrialism' by Frederic C. Deyo. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1990. (661)
  • Gary Fields. 1990. Review of 'Bridging the Gap: Four Newly-Industrializing Countries and the Changing International Division of Labour' by Gijsbert van Liemt. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1990. (338-339)
  • Gary Fields. 1988. Review of 'Social Security: A Critique of Radical Reform Proposals' by Charles W. Meyer, ed.. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1988. (470)
  • Gary Fields. 1986. Review of 'Resources, Values and Development' by Amartya Sen. in Journal of Economic Literature. 1986. (1804-1806)
  • Gary Fields. 1986. Review of 'Income Distribution and Economic Development: An Analytical Survey' by J. Lecaillon, F. Paukert, C. Morrisson and D. Germidis. in Journal of Development Economics. 1986.
  • Gary Fields. 1986. Review of 'Technology Choice and Employment Generation by Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries' by the International Labour Office. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1986. (609)
  • Gary Fields. 1983. Review of 'Income Distribution, Structure of Economy and Employment' by Felix Paukert, Jiri Skolka, and Jef Maton. in Journal of Comparative Economics. 1983. (191-192)
  • Gary Fields. 1983. Review of 'Retirement Income Opportunities in an Aging America: Income Levels and Adequacy' by Employee Benefit Research Institute. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1983. (313-314)
  • Gary Fields. 1980. Review of 'Studies of Urban Labor Market Behavior in Developing Areas' by Subbiah Kannappan, ed.. in Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1980. (278)

Conference Proceedings

  • Gary Fields. 1990. Labor Standards, Economic Development, and International Trade: Links Between the Newly Industrialized Economies and the U.S.. in Labor Standards and Development in the Global Economy. Washington, DC, United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990. Stephen Herzenberg, Jorge F Perez-Lopez.
  • Gary Fields, Olivia S Mitchell. 1985. Effects of Social Security Reforms: An Empirical Life Cycle Model for the United States. in Proceedings of the International Population Congress. Florence: 1985. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
  • Gary Fields. 1979. On Labor Market Segmentation. in Proceedings of the Conference on Economic and Demographic Change: Issues for the 1980's. Liège, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1979.

Selected Works

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Honors and Awards

  • IZA Prize in Labor Economics, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). 2014
  • General Mills Foundation Award for Exemplary Graduate Teaching, Cornell. 2013
  • General Mills Foundation Award for Exemplary Graduate Teaching, Cornell. 2009
  • General Mills Foundation Award for Exemplary Graduate Teaching, Cornell. 2004