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Brad Bell
people / faculty

Bradford Bell

William J. Conaty Professor of Strategic Human Resources
Human Resource Studies


Bradford S. Bell is the William J. Conaty Professor in Strategic Human Resources and Director of the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies. He received his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Maryland at College Park and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University. Dr. Bell teaches courses in Human Resource Management, Training and Development, and Work Groups and Teams to graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Bell worked in the management and organization development department of First USA Bank/Banc One and has worked as an HR consultant for multiple private and public firms. Dr. Bell is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and American Psychological Association.

Research Statement

Dr. Bell's research interests include training and development, team development and effectiveness, and virtual work. His research has appeared in a number of journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Human Resource Management, Academy of Management Learning & Education, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Group and Organization Management, and the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. In addition, Dr. Bell has published numerous chapters that have appeared in edited research volumes and presents regularly at conferences, including the Academy of Management and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Dr. Bell was awarded the Early Career Achievement Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management in 2008 and he is a former Editor of Personnel Psychology.


Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Bradford Bell, Ozias A Moore. 2018. Learning, training and development in organizations: Emerging trends, recent advances and future directions. in The Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2018. D.S. Ones, N. Anderson, C. Viswesvaran, & H.K. Sinangil. (215-233)
  • Bradford Bell. 2017. Personnel Psychology. in Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage, 2017. S. G. Robelberg. (1201-1202)
  • Bradford Bell. 2017. Strategies for supporting self-regulation during self-directed learning in the workplace. in Autonomous Learning in the Workplace. New York: Routledge, 2017. J. E. Ellingson & R. A. Noe. (117-134)
  • Steve WJ Kozlowski, Bradford Bell. 2017. Work teams. in Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2017. (1-6)
  • Steve WJ Kozlowski, Bradford Bell. 2013. Work groups and teams in organizations. in Handbook of Psychology: Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley, 2013. N. Schmitt & S. Highhouse. (412-469)
  • Bradford Bell, Steve WJ Kozlowski, Sabrina Blawath. 2012. Team learning: A Review and Integration. in The Oxford Hanbook of Organizational Psychology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012. SWJ Kozlowski. (859-909)
  • Bradford Bell, Steve WJ Kozlowski. 2011. Collective failure: The emergence, consequences, and management of errors in teams. in Errors in Organizations. London, United Kingdom: Routledge - Taylor & Francis, 2011. D. A. Hoffman and M. Frese. (113-141)(Accepted)
  • Bradford Bell, Steve WJ Kozlowski. 2010. Work teams. in Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage, 2010. J. M. Levine and M. A. Hogg. (955-958)
  • Bradford Bell, Steve WJ Kozlowski. 2009. Toward a theory of learner centered training design: An integrative framework of active learning. in Learning, training, and development in organizations. Mahwah, NJ, United States: Erlbaum, 2009. SWJ Kozlowski and E Salas. (263-300)
  • Steve WJ Kozlowski, Bradford Bell. 2008. Team learning, development, and adaptation.. in Work Group Learning. Mahwah, NJ, United States: LEA, 2008. VI Sessa and M London. (15-44)
  • Quinetta M Roberson, Bradford Bell, Shanette C Porter. 2008. The language of bias: A linguistic approach to understanding intergroup relations. in Research in Managing Groups and Teams: Diversity & Groups. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, 2008. K. Phillips. (267-294)
  • Bradford Bell, Steve W J Kozlowski. 2007. A theory-based approach for designing distributed learning systems. in Toward a science of distributed learning. Washington, DC, United States: APA, 2007.
  • Bradford Bell, Steve W J Kozlowski. 2007. Advances in technology-based training. in Managing human resources in North America : current issues and perspectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2007.
  • Aleksander P J Ellis, Bradford Bell. 2006. Capacity, collaboration, and commonality: A framework for understanding team learning. in Understanding teams: A volume in research in management. Charlotte NC, United States: Information Age, 2006. Linda L Neider, Chester A Schriesheim.
  • Bradford Bell, Steve W J Kozlowski. 2003. Work groups and teams in organizations. in Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology (vol. 12): Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New York NY, United States: Wiley, 2003.

Conference Proceedings

  • Matthew Pearsall, Aleksander PJ Ellis, Bradford Bell. 2008. Slippage in the system: The Effects of errors in transactive memory behavior on team performance. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management, 2008.

Selected Works

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Professional Activities

  • An Examination of Barriers to Employee Participation in Health and Wellness Programs. Presented to Academy of Management. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • When and How Dynamic Team Membership Affects Team Effectiveness. Presented to Academy of Management. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • Dynamic Membership and Team Effectiveness: The Role of Team Emergent States. Presented to INGRoup. Bethesda, MD. 2018.
  • The Longitudinal Effects of Telecommuting on Individual and Team Outcomes. Presented to McGill University. Montreal, QC. 2018.
  • The Longitudinal Effects of Telecommuting on Individual and Team Outcomes. Presented to Work and Family Researchers Network. Washington, DC. 2018.
  • Building Inclusive Climates Top-Down and Bottom-Up. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • Not All Telework is Created Equal: A Closer Look at the Nature of Telework. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • An examination of the mediating effects of team emergent states on the relationship between multiple team membership and project team satisfaction. Presented to Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA. 2017.
  • Dynamic membership and team effectiveness. Presented to Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA. 2017.
  • Innovative and experiential approaches to teaching HRM. Presented to Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA. 2017.
  • Virtual work research: Crossing boundaries. Presented to Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA. 2017.
  • Theorizing about enhancing the effectiveness of project teams. Presented to INGRoup. St. Louis, MO. 2017.
  • Editorial landscape: Where we've been and where we're going. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL. 2017.
  • Teaching HR to different audiences. Presented to Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA. 2016.
  • Toward a unified approach to conceptualizing and measuring virtuality. Presented to Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA. 2016.
  • Talk and let talk: The effects of language proficiency on speaking up and expertise perceptions in multinational teams.. Presented to INGRoup. Helsinki, Finland. 2016.
  • Unpacking the context of telework: The role of team teleworking density. Presented to Work and Family Researchers Network. Washington, DC. 2016.
  • A quasi-experimental study of leader training for cultivating inclusive climates. . Anaheim, CA. 2016.
  • Dynamic effects of subconscious goals on resource allocation, performance, and goal abandonment. Presented to Academy of Management. Vancouver, BC. 2015.
  • The consequences of telework: An examination of individual and contextual moderators. Presented to LERA. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015.
  • Talk and let talk: The effects of language proficiency on speaking up and expertise perceptions in multinational teams.. Presented to Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada. 2015.
  • The consequences of telework: An examination of individual and contextual moderators. Presented to Academy of Management. Orlando, FL. 2013.
  • A study of the influence of virtuality dimensions on leadership effectiveness. Presented to Academy of Management. Orlando, FL. 2013.
  • Developing and managing performance. Presented to Academy of Management. Orlando, FL. 2013.
  • The importance of employee learning. Presented to Academy of Management. Boston, MA. 2012.
  • Errors in Organizations. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Diego, CA. 2012.
  • Individual and contextual influences on the transfer of diversity training. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Diego, CA. 2012.
  • Modelisation de la distance subjective au sein des equipes virtuelles. Presented to AGRH. Marrakech, Morocco. 2011.
  • The effects of interruptions on self-regulated learning during web-based instruction. Presented to Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX. 2011.
  • Recent advances and future directions in research on self-regulation. Presented to Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX. 2011.
  • An examination of the effects of interruptions and learner characteristics on self-regulated learning during web-based instruction. Presented to Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA. 2011.
  • The effects of interruptions and learner characteristics on self-regulated learning. Presented to American Psychological Society. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • Interpersonal dysfuntion: Understanding mistreatment and dysfunction in the workplace. Presented to Academy of Management. Montreal, QC. 2010.
  • Self-Assessment of Knowledge: Reflections and Reactions to Sitzmann et al.'s (2010) article. Presented to Academy of Management. Montreal, QC. 2010.
  • The effects of interruptions on self-regulation and learning in technology-delivered instruction. Presented to Academy of Management. Montreal, QC. 2010.
  • Toward a better understanding of subjective distance. Presented to Academy of Management. Montreal, QC. 2010.
  • The effects of technical interruptions on learning and attrition from web-based instruction. Presented to Academy of Management. Chicago, IL. 2009.
  • Emotion control training strategies in technology-delivered instruction. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New Orleans, LA. 2009.
  • Slippage in the system: The effects of errors in transactive memory behavior on team performance. Presented to Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA. 2008.
  • Training and Socialization. Presented to Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA. 2008.
  • Adaptive guidance in technology-based training: An aptitude-treatment perspective.. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Francisco, CA. 2008.
  • Frontier Series Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations. Presented to Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Francisco, CA. 2008.