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Around the World

A map on the home page of DigitalCollections@ILR, the ILR School’s digital repository, provides visualization for an aspect of ILR’s global impact by showing the locations of downloads in real time.

During a 15-minute period on Aug. 21, for example, articles by ILR faculty, staff and publications including the ILRReview and the Cornell HR Review -- were downloaded 53 times in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America.  

The material accessed through DigitalCollections@ILR included:

  • Resident faculty papers by professors Brad Bell, Chris Collins, Jack Goncalo, Gary Fields and Lisa Nishii were downloaded in the Philippines, Germany, England, Singapore, Scotland and the United States.
  • Employment and Disability Institute publications were downloaded in England, New Delhi, and New York City.
  • ILR graduate student research downloaded in Arizona, Texas and India.
  • Papers by Extension faculty Sally Alvarez, Nellie Brown, Kate Bronfenbrenner and Ken Margolies were downloaded in the United States.
  • Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies papers authored by ILR faculty were downloaded in Detroit, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam.

Use of DigitalCollections@ILR, which features research by ILR scholars and others, is expected to hit 10 million downloads by mid-2015.

There are more than 19,000 papers in the repository and use of them grows yearly. In the past 12 months, nearly two million downloads were recorded.

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