Find a Project by Name
AMPLIFY-NY Technical Assistance and Evaluation
An Investigation of Trends in Charges Filed Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Autism Transition to Adulthood Initiative (ATTAIN)
Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth)
Connecting Practices to Outcomes: Lessons from the Federal Sector Workplace
Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE): Empowering Neurodiverse Populations for Employment through Inclusion AI and Innovation Science
Convergence Accelerator Phase II: Inclusion AI for Neurodiverse Employment
Disability & Human Resource Tips for HR Professionals
Disability Statistics
Disability Studies Program
Diversity Partners Employment (DRRP)
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability (EARN)
Employer Practices Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
Improving VR Outcomes for Out-of-School Youth Involved in the Justice and/or Foster Care Systems
Inclusive Career Advancement Program – Disability Innovation Fund
Just-in-Time Disability Toolkit™
Keeping People with Disabilities in the Workforce: Negotiating Work, Life and Disability – Field Initiated Research Project
Montana DPHHS CRP Training Institute for the Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services
Neurodiversity at Work
New York State Education, Office of Special Education, State Personnel Development Grant
Northeast ADA Center
NYS Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment with ACCES-VR
NYS Consortium for Advancing and Supporting Employment (NYS CASE)
Oregon DHS-VR: Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Learning Collaborative
Pro Se: Speech & Debate Mentoring Program for Justice-Impacted Youth
Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (SWTCIE)
Technical Assistance Partnership for Data
Technical Assistance Partnership for Transition
Transit Research & Accessibility Center (TRAC)
Vocational Rehabilitation – Training, Education, and Development (VR-TED)
Work Incentive Support Center (WISC)
Youth Reentering the Community through Opportunity, Networking, Navigation, Education, Collaboration and Transition Supports (Y-ReCONNECTS)
New Projects
Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth
With a goal of improving employment outcomes for youth and young adults with disabilities, the center helps states build capacity in their youth service delivery and workforce systems.
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability
With a goal of increasing the capacity of employers to recruit, hire, retain, and advance people with disabilities, the project seeks to identify and disseminate evidence-based policies and effective practices.
Northeast ADA Center
The Northeast ADA Center aims to educate and empower people to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in their lives, workplaces, and communities.
NYS Consortium for Advancing and Supporting Employment
The consortium provides training throughout New York and elsewhere to help supported employment specialists enhance their knowledge and gain credentials in the field.
Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment
This project conducts the program evaluation of a demonstration project aimed at increasing the number of people with disabilities in New York employed at a competitive wage, instead of a subminimum wage.
Courses and Products
eCornell courses on workplace disability inclusion
YTI faculty teach two eCornell courses for HR professionals, Workplace Disability Inclusion and Autism at Work.
Work Incentive Support Center
The center offers a website, Disability Benefits at Work, along with courses that provide credentialing in work incentives for people with disabilities. Courses include Work Incentive Planning for Benefit Practitioners, Benefits Planning for Transition-Aged Youth, and Benefits Planning for Veterans.
Just-in-Time Toolkit™
The Just-in-Time Toolkit™ is a customized, quick reference that engages employees in understanding the desired culture around disability and following disability-related policies and procedures.

Impact Stories, News Articles, and Highlights
More YTI StoriesContact YTI
Yang-Tan Institute
ILR School, Cornell University
201 Dolgen Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-7727