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Layoff Lessons Learned

After the Great Recession’s histor­ically slow labor market recovery and a presidential campaign that many say turned on the frustra­tions of displaced workers, layoffs have become prominent in the U.S. psyche. In October’s workspan’s Research for the Real World, ICS’ Linda Barrington focuses on research suggesting that layoffs may be creating a more quit-friendly workforce.

Research by ILR’s Paul R Davis, Assistant Professor HR Studies, explores adverse effects of layoffs and resulting voluntary turnover. Davis and his co-authors Charlie O. Trevor and Jie Feng focused on the impact felt by the employers and organizations caused by voluntary layoffs, something missing in the existing literature.

For more of Davis’ work. see:

Paul Davis: Psychological Spillover of Layoffs for Workers and Implications of Layoffs for Employers

Paul Davis: Do Layoffs Encourage Quitting?

See also:

Kevin Hallock’s CEO Pay and Layoffs