The project acknowledges the diligent efforts of several undergraduate, masters, and law students for their research and contributions with each country analysis. The research and GSL students are:
2019 Engaged Learning Students
- Veronika Koziel, TA
- Xenia Dvoriantchkova, TA
- Claire Ramirez
- Brittany Garcia
- Chris Miller
- Daniel Kim
- Nicole Estess
- Michelle Zhao
- Paul Kim
- Xavier Eddy
2018 Engaged Learning Students
- Mitch Butler
- Veronika Koziel
- Devon Gilliams
- Lexi McCool
- Olivia Harris
- Nate Cheng
- Samir Jain
2017 Engaged Learning Students
- Allison Considine
- Hunter Moskowitz
- Julissa Andrade
- Clara Chung
- Samir Jain
2016 Engaged Learning Students
- Andy Kim: Final Paper - Vietnam and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Political History and National Outlook (PDF, 422 KB)
- Honore Johnson: Final Paper - The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its Plan for the Enhancement of Trade and Labour Relations; the Right of Workers to Freely Form and Join a Labor Union (PDF, 399 KB)
- Chris Alter
- Kathleen Huffman
- John Roberts
2015 Engaged Learning Students
- Gideon Teitel
- Lowell Jackson
- Nicole Paldmadesso
- Kristen Smith
American Research Assistants
- Corey Harbison, Arizona State University College of Law
- Michelle Huang ILR, Cornell University
- Julia Pascuzzo, Cornell Law
- Daniel O”Brien, ILR, Cornell University
- Yiqing Zhao, Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
- Elizabeth Li, ILR, Cornell University
- Teng Zhang, ILR, Cornell University
- Veronica Koziel, ILR, Cornell University
- Mitch Butler
- Elise Balelo
- Xenia Dvoriantchkova
- Erik Bohler
- Claire Ramirez
International Research Assistants
- Ha Nguyen, University of Minnesota College of Business (Vietnam)
- Anh Tran, Michigan State University, Humphreys Scholar (Vietnam)
- Wei Wang, USC Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism (China)
- Ruting Chen, Brooklym Law School
The Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution is...
...the nation's only program of study that targets conflict resolution in the workplace...interdisciplinary education, research and training in dispute resolution for students, academics, neutrals and practitioners....a continuation of Cornell ILR School's proud tradition of instruction in the practical use of conflict resolution skills in the workplace....committed to promoting diversity, cross-cultural understanding and equal opportunities.
ALAP is sponsored by the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution at Cornell University, copyright 2013