The Worker Institute's research, policy, and technical assistance program focuses on the innovative work led by faculty in our three key initiative areas: Equity at Work, Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, and Precarious Work.
All these projects have been successful individually in advancing key policy recommendations and in developing partnerships with social justice advocates, elected officials, and policy stakeholders.
The Worker Institute serves as a hub for policy research, publication, and training for policymakers, entrepreneurs, and activists engaged in the public debate to reduce economic inequality.
Equity at Work
Learn more about Equity at WorkEquity at Work tackles difficult questions of gendered and racialized harassment, discrimination, and violence, examining their varied manifestations in different industries and workplaces.
Precarious Work
Learn more about Precarious WorkPrecarious Work focuses on low-wage workers who are often without either collective representation or regulatory coverage; projects here include examining understudied areas of the “gig economy."