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Dignity factory workers producing shirts for overseas clients, in Accra, Ghana

To Eliminate Gender Based Violence and Harassment

Dindigul Agreement

This is GLI’s year two assessment of the processes and outcomes of an innovative agreement regarding freedom of association and the elimination of gender based violence at a South Indian apparel factory that could be a model for other factories around the world.

Busy factory floor with rows of sewing stations
Read the report

Measuring Supply Chain Due Diligence

Labor Outcomes Metrics

Read about the Global Labor Institute's new quantitative metrics that measure labor outcomes—actual impacts for workers.

Workers in Bangladesh
Read more about Measuring Supply Chain Due Diligence

Higher Ground? Fashion’s Climate Breakdown

Impacts of climate change on global apparel production

In partnership with Schroders, we report the impacts of climate change on global apparel production. In our first report, we track climate change impacts at the global, national, and factory levels. We map fashion's climate vulnerabilities across production centers, and estimate future economic damages from extreme heat and flooding. Our second report examines company-level climate risk, cost, and financing for adaption and just resilience.

Textile workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Read the reports



Latest News and Events

Eliminating Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Global Supply Chains

We present here our analysis of processes and outcomes in year 2 of the operation of the agreement, as a prelude to a more comprehensive evaluation in 2025 when the  agreement expires.
Busy factory floor with rows of sewing stations
Eliminating Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Global Supply Chains

GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’

The New Statesman
GLI executive director Jason Judd is profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’. He talks about the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (‘Not fit for purpose’), the impact of GLI’s 2023 Higher Ground? reports, and renaming Brooklyn’s Williamsburg Bridge.
The New Statesman Logo
GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’

The Responsible Investor Podcast Discusses Our “Higher Ground?” Report

Our "Higher Ground?" report and Schroders’ Katie Frame are talked about by Responsible Investor in this podcast episode about fast fashion and investors.
The words "Responsible Investor" are written in black text on a white background, with RI in white text on a red background on the left side of the image.
The Responsible Investor Podcast Discusses Our “Higher Ground?” Report

25 Metrics to Measure Due Diligence in Global Supply Chain

Cornell ILR’s Global Labor Institute (GLI) launched its Labor Outcomes Metrics on May 29. The new set of 25 quantitative measures allows regulators, firms and unions to score, track and compare impacts over time.
Better Work Programme -  A worker in Bangladesh
25 Metrics to Measure Due Diligence in Global Supply Chain

Sourcing Journal: How Do We Measure supply Chain Due Diligence? GLI Labor Outcome Metrics

Read our Sourcing Journal summary of the new GLI Labor Outcomes Metrics.
Bangladesh Garment Workers
Sourcing Journal: How Do We Measure supply Chain Due Diligence? GLI Labor Outcome Metrics

Measuring Supply Chain Due Diligence

Read about the Global Labor Institute's new quantitative metrics that measure labor outcomes—actual impacts for workers.
Workers in Bangladesh
Measuring Supply Chain Due Diligence

Change or Groundhog Day? What new research tells us about what works in global labor governance

2024 GLI Conference Highlights

Samira Rafaela
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