Is private regulation working? Book launch with Sourcing Journal on May 25
The New Conversations Project and the Sourcing Journal hosted a live launch and debate on Sarosh Kuruvilla's new book, Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Problems, Progress, and Prospects on May 25, 2021.
Sarosh Kuruvilla laid out the book's key findings based on analysis of previously unavailable data about labor practices in global supply chains. Sourcing Journal founder Eddie Hertzman led a debate with panelists--buyers, workers, researchers--about what it means for global labor governance in apparel and other sectors.

Sarosh Kuruvilla
Sarosh Kuruvilla is currently Professor of Industrial Relations, Asian Studies and Public Affairs at Cornell University. He joined Cornell’s faculty in 1990 after obtaining a doctorate in business administration from the University of Iowa in 1989, and after a career as a labor relations manager in the industry in India. He is currently the Academic Director of ILR's Global Labor Institute.

Edward Hertzman
Sourcing Journal Founder and President Edward Hertzman received a degree in economics from NYU and spent more than a decade working as a top executive for major sourcing companies all over the world, including Synergies Worldwide and Pearl Global. Mr. Hertzman sits on the Board for Delivering Good, a charitable organization that channels the resources of the fashion industry to those in need.