Skinner Wins Award
Lara Skinner, director of the ILR Worker Institute’s Labor Leading on Climate Change, will be honored Sept. 21 by the Alliance for a Greater New York with a 2021 Movement Builders Award.
“It’s an honor to have ALIGN recognize me for the work I’ve been doing to tackle climate change, support union job creation and build more equitable communities throughout New York state,” Skinner said.
“ALIGN is a wonderful organization that has been doing important social, racial and economic justice work for many years, often bridging New York City’s vibrant labor, climate and community-based movements,” she said. ALIGN is an alliance of labor and community organizations focused on building a just and sustainable New York
The ALIGN Movement Builders Awards honor social, economic and environmental justice leaders who are helping make New York City a model for national progress.
Others being recognized by ALIGN are state Assembly Member Karines Reyes, state Senator Michael Gianaris and Restaurant Wholesale and Department Store Union
President Stuart Appelbaum.
The event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 21 at the IBEW Electrical Industry Training Center, 48-40 34th St, Long Island City.