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Noah Berg

Noah Berg

HumEc, '24
High Road Fellowships - Buffalo, NY
Western New York Law Center

What Did You Work On: I logged the financial investment that the Law Center was able to put into communities by pressuring repairs on vacant homes. I also am creating a report that requests funding for the Law Center, focusing on the intangible benefits of that investment.

Summer Takeaway: I really enjoyed being able to take a “deep dive” into a new city. Prior to taking the High Road, I only knew the basics about Buffalo, so I found it very valuable to learn so much about a city where you don’t have many preconceived notions about it beforehand.

Why I Took the High Road: I wanted to gain experience working with public interest organizations, and to see what it is like to be a part of such a great community that is striving for so many different types of change. 

Career Goals: After college I would like to go to law school, and maybe be a capital punishment defense lawyer or an appellate lawyer.

Shout Out: Thanks to everybody at the Law Center for being so welcoming and helpful! And thanks to everybody who helped me with my report!
