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The Minimum Wage

In this post, Russell Weaver, Director of Research for the Buffalo Co-Lab, and Ian Greer, Director of the Ithaca Co-Lab, explain what a minimum wage is meant to do, where current policy falls short, and promising practices that can help ensure a living wage for workers.
Picture of a one-dollar bill
The Minimum Wage

Subminimum Wage for People with Disabilities

The Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability's Kaitlyn Jackson and Ellice Switzer discuss the practice of paying subminimum wages to people with disabilities.
Woman working in factory
Subminimum Wage for People with Disabilities

Know Your Wage: Prevailing Wage

Differences in wages and compensation are one of the primary sources of economic inequality. ILR's Anne Marie Brady and Russell Weaver explain prevailing wage, and why it matters.
silhouette of construction wokers at a jobsite
Know Your Wage: Prevailing Wage

Living Wage Deep Dive

As a companion to the living wage explainer, here we explore details about calculating meaningful living wages.
Modified map illustrating counties in New York State
Living Wage Deep Dive

What is a Living Wage?

We explain how you can figure out a meaningful living wage for an area. We help make sense of the kinds of data you need, and link to calculators for more exploration.
What is a Living Wage?

Lively Panel Launches Worker Institute’s New Prevailing Wage Report

Prevailing wage laws protect New Yorkers from a race to the bottom, panelists said during the launch of the new report by Cornell ILR’s The Worker Institute on Sept. 12.
WI Prevailing Wage event
Lively Panel Launches Worker Institute’s New Prevailing Wage Report