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portrait photograph of Sofia Encarnacion


LDI project staff preparing for PhD study

Sofia Encarnacion graduated from the University of Maryland – Baltimore County in Catonsville, MD with a BA in Economics, BS in Mathematics, and a minor in Gender Studies. She joined LDI in 2022. Her work at LDI is focused on the LDI Replication Lab for the AEA’s Data Editor. Her primary research interests are in education of education and labor economics.


Michael J. Darisse worked at LDI as a Research Aide and Assistant Data Editor for the American Economic Association (AEA)  from August 2020 to July 2022. During his time at Cornell, he focused on reproducibility verification for the AEA journals as part of the LDI Replication Lab. He began his PhD studies in the Department of Economics at Florida State University in fall 2022. Michael’s primary research interests are in the Economics of Education, Labor Economics, and Experimental Economics. He received a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Economics from the University of New Hampshire.