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Academy of Management Fellow

Professor Pamela Tolbert has been elected an Academy of Management Fellow.

Director of Graduate Studies, Tolbert is the Lois S. Gray Professor of ILR and Social Sciences.

Fellows are nominated and elected, based on significant research contributions to the field of management studies, by Academy of Management members.

“I’m really flattered to be in this group,” said Tolbert, who will be formally inducted at the academy’s annual meetings in August in Anaheim, Cal.
A professor of the Department of Organizational Behavior, she is interested in processes of organizational change, culture and entrepreneurship, and organizational practices and social inequality.

Tolbert’s current research includes work on cross-cultural differences in entrepreneurial attitudes, growth strategies of art museums, and the impact of relative spousal earnings on career and family satisfaction.

She has served on the editorial boards of a variety of journals, as the book review editor for Administrative Science Quarterly, and as a senior editor for Management Science,  Academy of Management Review, Organization Science and Administrative Science Quarterly.

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