Francesco Seghezzi

Francesco Seghezzi

Francesco Seghezzi

Country of origin: Italy Visiting period: November 2014 - April 2015 Faculty sponsor: Rosemary Batt, Ph.D. Email:

Background and Previous Experience

Francesco Seghezzi completed his Master of Arts degree in Political Philosophy from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy, focusing his thesis on the political thought of Eric Voegelin. During his studies he also focused on the economic thought of Karl Polanyi. His unique background in political philosophy and labor relations has led him to ILR.

Seghezzi comes from the University of Bergamo and the Human Capital Formation and Labor Relations Department. His interest in political philosophy led him to pursue studies in labor, focusing on the evolution of labor in relation to social, political and economic transformation. Seghezzi is also a Junior Research Fellow at the Association for International and Comparative Studies in the Field of Labor Law and Industrial Relations (ADAPT, He is currently the Chief Communications Officer of ADAPT where he manages the public relations, media, and organizing of events for the think tank. Seghezzi is also part of the Editorial Office of ADAPT University Press.

Current Research at ILR

While at ILR, Seghezzi will be pursuing research on the transformation of labor in recent years, specifically focusing on the differences between Italian and American unions. The main focus of his research is how the transformation in the productive industrial system and the flexible labor market is affecting worker's representation and how unions are interpreting this transformation.

He believes being at the ILR School will allow him the opportunity to learn the main features of U.S. unions and their evolution, from an American academic view point. He is also interested in understanding the contemporary debate on the revitalization of U.S. unions. His goal is to write a book that includes his interviews with U.S. union leaders, academics and Department of Labor experts. This will lay the foundation for a bigger comparative project he is planning between the U.S. and Italy.

- Francesco Seghezzi